Запис Детальніше

Задоволеність доступністю та якістю медичної допомоги в Україні, Польщі та Угорщині


Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Задоволеність доступністю та якістю медичної допомоги в Україні, Польщі та Угорщині
Satisfaction with the Access to and Quality of Health Care Services in Ukraine, Poland, and Hungary
Creator Stepurko, Tetiana
Subject задоволеність медичною допомогою
система охорони здоров’я
health care service satisfaction
health care system
Description In post-Soviet societies, patient satisfaction either with the health care system or with health care
services is often considered a subjective opinion, and therefore it is not taken into account by the health
policy and decision-makers. However, identifying the share of patients satisfied with health care services is
one of the elements that stimulates the responsiveness of the health care system. Still, the concept of patients’
satisfaction has several weak points which are widely discussed in the literature, for example, its subjectivity,
and the lack of unified understanding. In order to address these critics, patients’ satisfaction is often studied through the actual patients’ experience with service utilization. Indeed, the national and international
health consumer indices present both health outcomes and the patients’ experience and perceptions
(including the patients’ satisfaction) in the assessment of health care systems and services. This suggests the
recognition and legitimization of the concept of the patients’ satisfaction in well-developed healthcare
systems in terms of satisfaction with the system and satisfaction with the services. The aim of this paper is
to compare the patients’ satisfaction with access to and quality of health care services in Ukraine, Poland,
and Hungary, as well as to determine whether satisfaction is associated with one of the most important
barriers to health care services in the region, i.e. with the high share of unbudgeted patients.
For the empirical data collection, a nationally representative sample was drawn in each country,
following a multi-staged random probability approach. As a result, about 1,000 respondents per country
participated in the survey. The national surveys were conducted simultaneously in all the mentioned
countries. Face-to-face interviews were applied as a data collection mode in the study to reduce the chances
of incorrectly filled in answers. During the interviews, trained interviewers used a standardized questionnaire
which was designed to reveal past payments and experience with health care use, as well as preferences and
willingness to pay for health care services. The results of a comparative empirical study conducted in 2010
in Poland, Hungary, and Ukraine, identify that the share of satisfied patients is comparably similar in
Ukraine and Poland, but it is essentially higher in Hungary. Also, there is a negative significant association
between satisfaction with the access to and quality of the ambulatory care, on the one hand, and on the other
hand, with either the experience of making informal payments for medical assistance or inability to pay.
However, this association varies among the countries. If the goal of health care system is to provide
affordable and efficient services of good quality, then understanding of expectations and experience of the
patients is important in implementation of these goals. Patients’ satisfaction with the used health care
services contributes to the evidence base, which serves as a ground for the health policy design.
У статті здійснено порівняння задоволеності пацієнтів доступністю та якістю отриманої
медичної допомоги, а також проаналізовано зв’язок задоволеності з одним з найбільших бар’єрів до
медичної допомоги в регіоні – високими фінансовими витратами з кишені пацієнта. Результати
порівняльного емпіричного дослідження, проведеного у 2010 р. в Польщі, Угорщині та Україні,
засвідчують співмірні рівні задоволення доступністю та якістю медичної допомоги в Україні та
Польщі, однак значно більша частка пацієнтів в Угорщині демонструють задоволеність
доступністю та якістю медицини.
Date 2017-02-06T13:47:03Z
Type Article
Identifier Степурко Тетяна Георгіївна. Задоволеність доступністю та якістю медичної допомоги в Україні, Польщі та Угорщині / Степурко Т. Г. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Соціологічні науки :. - 2016. - Т. 187. - С. 82-89.
Language ua
Relation Наукові записки НаУКМА: Соціологічні науки