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eOSAUIR - Electronic Odessa State Agrarian University Institutional Repository

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Поле Співвідношення
Title The way of influencing journalists in Kosovo
Names Tejeci, Hyrë
Date Issued 2015 (iso8601)
Abstract The debates on the press freedom have never disappeared throughout the history of print and electronic media. However, during different periods of this history, the restrictions on press freedom have been expressed more or less, in a harsh or soft way, depending on social, political, economic or cultural developments.

My professional curiosity has pushed me to conduct a research on the real shapes and dimensions of the influence on journalists and media outlets in Kosovo. The feedbacks from the questionnaires show that the influence on the journalist is bigger than the external perception.

Through the questionnaires I’ve tried also to understand the ways and methods of influencing. Based on the analysed questionnaires the influence on journalists is executed in a direct or indirect way, in a strong way (by order) or in a polite way (through advices and recommendations).
Genre Article
Access Condition info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Topic The survey
Identifier 1848-4298