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Эстетический идеал писателя в белорусской металитературной прозе ХХ – начала ХХІ века (Аesthetic ideal of the writer in the belarusian meta-literary prose of the XX – early XXI century

Цифровий архів НаУОА

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Relation https://eprints.oa.edu.ua/7678/
Title Эстетический идеал писателя в белорусской металитературной прозе ХХ – начала ХХІ века
(Аesthetic ideal of the writer in the belarusian meta-literary prose of the XX – early XXI century
Creator Боровко, Ванда (Vanda Barouka)
Subject Загальні питання лінгвістики та літератури
Description The aesthetic ideal of a writer in a meta-literary work is the idea of a word a word worthy of a certain artist’s ethical and aesthetic imperatives about a word artist. The aesthetic ideal of the writer is always formed under the infl uence of historical time, national traditions,
personal attitudes of masters of the artistic word. The study of the writer in the literature makes it possible to trace the dynamics of the
aesthetic attitudes of the authors of works, their ideas, about the role of the writer and the functions of literature. The relevance of the study
of the aesthetic ideal of the writer in the meta-literary prose is the need for further in depth study of the national character and its patterns,
in particular, traditions and innovation.

(Динамика смыслового наполнения эстетического идеала писателя в белорусской металитературной прозе ХХ – начала ХХI
века детерминировалась социокультурными факторами. Эстетический идеал писателя выявлялся главным образом через рефлексию и сентенции повествователя или героя-писателя, через сюжет.)
Dynamics of the semantic content of the aesthetic ideal of the writer in Belarusian meta-literary prose of the XX – early XXI century was determined by socio-cultural factors. The aesthetic ideal of the writer was revealed mainly trough the refl ection and sentences of the
narrator or character-writer, trough the plot. The idea of an ideal writer as a creative, experimenting person was invariant in the Belarusia meta-literary prose of the XX – early XXI century.
Publisher Видавництво Національного університету «Острозька академія»
Date 2018
Type Стаття
Format application/pdf
Language uk
Identifier https://eprints.oa.edu.ua/7678/1/11.pdf
Боровко, Ванда (Vanda Barouka) (2018) Эстетический идеал писателя в белорусской металитературной прозе ХХ – начала ХХІ века (Аesthetic ideal of the writer in the belarusian meta-literary prose of the XX – early XXI century. Наукові записки Національного університету «Острозька академія»: серія «Філологія» (2(70)). с. 35-37.