Запис Детальніше

Соціально-економічний розвиток Київської губернії (друга половина ХІХ – початок ХХ ст.)

Репозиторій Переяслав-Хмельницького державного педагогічного університету імені Григорія Сковороди

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Соціально-економічний розвиток Київської губернії (друга половина ХІХ – початок ХХ ст.)
The socioeconomic development of Kyiv province (the second half of XIX c. – the beginning of XX c.)
Creator Казьмирчук, Марія Г.
Kazmyrchuk, Mariia H.
Subject структура населення
професійні групи
етнічно-релігійний склад
земельна власність
підприємницька діяльність
рівень життя
охорона здоров’я
соціальне забезпечення
the structure of inhabitant
professional groups
the ethnic and the religion structure
the land property
the business activity
the living standard
the health protection, the social assistance
the education
Description Дисертація присвячена дослідженню соціально-економічного розвитку Київської губернії
1861 – 1917 рр. На основі використання широкого кола вперше запроваджених до наукового обігу
архівних та опублікованих джерел, розглянуто соціальну структуру та економічну активність
населення, його матеріальне забезпечення, соціокультурний розвиток у Київській губернії
пореформеного періоду. Досліджено формування станів та станову стратифікацію, основні
соціальні професійні та сімейні групи і прошарки у структурі населення. Висвітлено питання
формування власності на землю та земельні відносини станів, організацію їхніх господарств,
основні форми й напрямки торгівельної і підприємницької діяльності. З’ясовано трудове життя
населення, рівень життя, розвиток житлово-побутової сфери, матеріальні мотиви міграційних
процесів. Встановлено здійснення заходів з охорони здоров’я та соціального забезпечення,
розвиток культурно-освітньої інфраструктури, благодійну й меценатську діяльність станів
Київської губернії.
The dissertation is devoted to the investigation of socioeconomic development of Kyiv province at
the 1861 – 1917. Based on using wide range of unknown archive and published sources this scientific
work researches the problem of social structure and the economic activity of inhabitants, their social and
legal relations, the sociocultural development on Kyiv province at the after reformation period for the first
The author investigates the process of new estates building which were contribute to
transformation all system of socioeconomic relation on Kyiv province at the second half of XIX c. and
the beginning of XX c. In the dissertation is analyzed the position of the nobility, the clergy, the
merchants, the bourgeoisie, the petty bourgeoisie, the working class and the peasantry at Kyiv province.
The main professional and families group of Kyiv province during 1861 – 1917 are shown. This
group’s relations identified social position of a person in social system and that’s why they were marked
out. The marriage was the common behavior and was compulsory for the clergy. But the clergy’s family
life was complicated in Kyiv province during 1861 – 1917 which proved widespread complaints parsons
and priest's wife. The same process was passed in the nobility, the merchants, the petty bourgeoisie and
the peasantry.
The work considers ethnics and confessions specifics of Kyiv province during 1861 – 1917. They
influence on estates building were analyzed. The attention is paid to the compact ethnics group of
Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, Hebrews, Germans, inhabitants of the Crimea and the others Specifics of
their religions relation were unique at Kyiv province during the mentioned period. Each of ethnic-religion
groups has been famous and authority members.
Changes and tendency of estates’ landowning and land use, profits of land in Kyiv province
during the mentioned period are analyzed. Landowners’ property destroyed slowly and the peasants’
private ownership gained a foothold with a lot of problems. Kyiv province has been a good soil and
height agricultural level. The main landownings there were the landlord class and the peasant. Besides
widespread landowning were the partnerships and short-term lease. The peasants became owners and
could sell or buy lands. Church’ landowning gained large value in Kyiv province. The clergy could sell or
buy lands; they had a rich soil from Church. This situation created the strenuous relationship between the
clergy and the peasants.
It is established that the specifics of economy organization in Kyiv province during the mentioned
period was being «across land» and easements. The economy organization depended on expenses for
building, equipment and livestock. The peasants’ economies were different and their effectuality
depended on tide with market. Landowners’ economies had much more potential after the lifting of the
serfdom, but at the first period they lad economies extensionally. It is proved that the commercial and
finance activity was proper to all estates in Kyiv province during the 1861 – 1917. Factories and plants,
stock-companies, banks and credit enterprises helped to development of Kyiv province. Sugar industries,
distilleries, tobacco industries were the most popular there. The nobility and the bourgeoisie took of
foreign commerce. The peasants didn’t good trade condition and at villages of Kyiv province was existed
buyers-up. The estate’ conditionality was destroyed in the time of capitalist relations.
The material welfare and working conditions were underdevelopment in Kyiv province during the
1861 – 1917. The main problems were unemployment, using of female and child labors, huge vindictive
damages, low wages etc. A lot of peasants and workers didn’t make sure minimum of needs. The food,
clothes and housing conditions were optimal only to privileged classes of the nobility, the clergy and the
bourgeoisie. Since the second half of XIX century there was an increase in the number of inhabitant in
Kyiv province.
It is shown that philanthropy activities were not only case of the nobility, but also busy of the
bourgeoisie and the peasants in Kyiv province during the 1861 – 1917. At this period is developed the
system of social assistance and education.
Date 2015-05-26T08:42:51Z
Type Thesis
Identifier Казьмирчук М. Г. Соціально-економічний розвиток Київської губернії (друга половина ХІХ – початок ХХ ст.) : автореф. дисерт. на здобут. наук. ступ. доктора іст. наук (07.00.01 – історія України) / М. Г. Казьмирчук ; наук. кер. А. П. Коцур. - Переяслав-Хм. : ЛОГОС, 2012. - 31 с.
Language other