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Землеволодіння і землекористування в губерніях Правобережної України кінця ХVІІІ – початку ХХ ст.

Репозиторій Переяслав-Хмельницького державного педагогічного університету імені Григорія Сковороди

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Землеволодіння і землекористування в губерніях Правобережної України кінця ХVІІІ – початку ХХ ст.
Landownership and land-tenure in provinces of the Right Bank Ukraine in the late 18th – early 20th centuries
Creator Криськов, Андрій А.
Kryskov, Andrii A.
Subject держава
іпотечний кредит
обробна промисловість
Правобережна Україна
Right Bank Ukraine
mortgage loan
food processing industry
Description У дисертаційному дослідженні комплексно вивчено еволюцію відносин
землеволодіння і землекористування в губерніях Правобережної України кінця
ХVІІІ – початку ХХ ст. Встановлено особливості та розвиток форм землеволодіння
та видів землекористування у Правобережній Україні у дореформений період,
визначені особливості проведення аграрної реформи 19 лютого 1861 р. в регіоні та
землевлаштування сільського населення, розкрито вплив на реформування відносин
володіння, користування і розпорядження земельною власністю польських повстань
1830-1831 та 1863 рр., охарактеризовані зміни у землекористуванні, викликані
реалізацією реформи П.Столипіна. Досліджено рух землеволодіння на основі
земельних переписів 1877 і 1905 рр., проаналізовані питання впливу розмірів
земельної власності та доступності оренди на капіталізацію, ефективність
господарювання, міграційну активність населення, простежено ступінь впливу на
рух землеволодіння акціонерних та державних установ іпотечного кредитування.
The problems of landownership and land-tenure of Volynska, Kyivska and Podilska
provinces of the former Russian Empire during the late 18 th – early 20th centuries have
been analyzed in the thesis. These provinces were united under the name «Right Bank
Ukraine». The thesis consists of Introduction, six chapters, conclusions, glossary and the
list of References. The first chapter deals with the historiographical problems and the
references. The methodology of research has been stated. Three stages were emphasized in
the history of the study of the problems: 1) the middle of the nineteenth century - 1917; 2)
the 1920s - 1980s; 3) the 1990s – 2014. The references include documents of 8 regional
archives, complex of legislative regulations, statistical and reference books materials,
mass-media materials, scientific papers by researchers. The conceptual and
methodological basis of the investigation are the ideas of the scientific heritage by
S.Borysevych, O.Miller, O.Reyent, V.Orlyk, A.Filinyuk. The paper is based on advanced
and regional approaches.
The second chapter is devoted to the evolution of land relations in the region during
the late 18th – early 19th centuries. The landownership of noblemen, State and Religion
institutions, as well as the features of the peasants land-tenure have been investigated.
Characteristics of the February 19, 1861 agrarian reform in the region have been specified.
It was found that beside the absolute right of landownership, the nobleman had the
temporary right to landownership. Latyfundia landownership prevailed in the Right-Bank
Ukraine the middle of the nineteenth century. The landownership secularization of religion
institutions was performed by the government during the 1841-1843. The main groups of
peasants in the pre-reform period were nobleman (serf peasants) and state per who, in their
turn. The size of the lot explored by peasants was found to dependent on quantity of cattle
possessed, the size of the landlord ownership, the number of farmers.
The third chapter deals with the agrarian relations during 1861-1881. The process of
peasants landownership setting up and the influence on the implementation of the
February 19, 1861 reform have been analyzed. The January rebellion in 1863 is found to
become the catalyst of the repressive governmental policy appearance and the restrictive
legislation of the local Polish noblemen in the sphere of landownership. The reform of the
Right Bank Ukraine state peasants was determined to start in May 1867. Special Acts,
caused by the political factors, limited the obligations relations of land holding for former
landowners and state peasants of the Right Bank Ukraine. Thus since July 1863 the state
implemented the triple policy of Polish landownership: confiscation of landlords’ estates,
deprivation of right to own the property and the introduction of profit tax. The starting
point in the capitalization of agriculture was determined to be not the revolution in the
means of production but the renovation of legal relations as the emancipation.
The fourth chapter studies the methods of land distribution for different categories of
rural population, migration activity in region and government policy in this problem.
During 1886, 1888, 1892 and 1893 the Acts to regulate the landownership of the peasants
groups, who have not possessed it yet, were adopted. Demographic processes resulted in
the fact that the population density exceeded the limits beyond which extensive forms of
agricultural production provide full employment. The main directions of migration in
1860-1870-ies were South Ukraine and North Caucasus. Since the 1880s attempts to
migrate to Siberia and the Far East were more active. Since 1860-70's. migration of
Germans and Czechs to Volyn province increased.
The movement of landownership according to the 1877 and 1905 land censuses has
been analyzed in the fifth chapter. The influence of industrial institution on the
landownership and the efficiency level of management are specified. The content of the
sixth chapter is devoted to the analyses of the influence of joint-stock and state institutions
on the quantitative changes in distribution of agrarian property. The main P.Stolypin’s
agrarian reform regularities have been investigated. The content the thesis is devoted to the
analyses of the landownership and land-tenure relations evolution in the second part of the
19th – early 20th centuries. The movement of the landownership in the region has been
analyzed basing on the statistical data, and the role of the state and joint-stock institutions
of mortgage loan was determined. Such features of the region as agrarian oversettlement
and departure, as well as governmental policy as to the peasant migration regularities have
been investigated. The food processing industry effect on the development of land
relations has been analyzed. The problems of the agricultural management efficiency as
well as the main P.Stolypin’s land reform regularities and their implementation in
provinces of the Right Bank Ukraine have been investigated.
Date 2015-07-01T10:21:47Z
Type Thesis
Identifier Криськов А. А. Землеволодіння і землекористування в губерніях Правобережної України кінця ХVIII - початку ХХ ст. : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня доктора іст. наук : 07.00.01 – історія України / А. А. Криськов ; наук. консультант Орлик В. М. - Переяслав-Хм., 2015. - 40 с.
Language other
Publisher Переяслав-Хм.