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Studia Philologica

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Creator Gryshchenko, Olena
Subject inguistic personality, personality, fake, multiplicity, fake linguistic personality, fake discourse, multiple personality.
Description The article characterizes lingual personality in terms of aspects of multiplicity and fake. The understanding of lingualpersonality has recently acquired new interpretations. The notion gains new characteristics and aspects of studyas a person appears to constantly undergo changes and transformations. Linguistic, social, political, economic,historical and other factors impact it.Modern lingual personality is a multiple personality that lives in the real world but creates virtual worlds andspaces and manifests itself in different environments. Lingual personality becomes virtual, not real or fake andit is an ‘actor’ and participant in various discourse types. This results in changing its general psychological,linguistic, behavioral, communicative and other characteristics. Fake lingual personality has not beenthe subject of systematic study yet. Not much is known about the processes of fake discourse production,discourse processing and comprehension which could provide valuable insight into the notions of personalityand lingual personality.Modern communication technologies promote the emergence of virtual spaces, “floating worlds”, “worldsof spectacle”, “absent worlds” and “fake reality”. Various ways and channels of communication transform face-tofacerelationships, develop the domain of “absent presence”, support the presence of “the multiplicity of truth” andthus allow every personality to express itself via linguistic styles and linguistic behavior.Modern personality is involved in various discourse types including creolized ones (advertising discourse, medicaldiscourse, political discourse, mass media discourse, behavioral discourse, game discourse, personologicaldiscourse, fake discourse, etc.) which reflect multiple nature of personality and facilitate multivariate manifestationof its linguistic styles, communicative and discursive competences.Transformational processes in turn lead to the integration of alternative worlds which are created with the helpof different kinds of codes, to the interaction of people, communities, ethnic groups and their cultures. In theseconditions the worlds become quasi-real. In certain cases they turn into substitutes of the “primary” reality. In thiscontext it is essential to focus on “fake” as a realia of existence of modern humanity.FAKE has become an integral part of life. A great number of neologisms and word combinations appearin the media. A great number of things are represented as fake: fake name, food, world, smile, social media,mood, etc. A lot of them deal with a person: fake family, fake life, fake friends, fake personality, fake people; faker,fake maker. Fake linguistic personality is an ‘actor’ of fake discourse; it is a multiple, many-sided, split personalitythat is able and ready to produce fake discourse, process it and sometimes interact in it. This specific languageof deception is oriented to manipulation. Further study of linguistic markers of deception and manifestationsof fake is necessary.
Publisher Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка
Date 2017-09-18
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Identifier http://studiap.kubg.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/188
Source Studia Philologica; № 7 (2017): Студія Філологіка
Language eng
Relation http://studiap.kubg.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/188/180
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