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Status of work accidents in food industry of Ukraine


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Title Status of work accidents in food industry of Ukraine
Стан виробничого травматизму у харчовій промисловості України
Состояние производственного травматизма в пищевой промышленности Украины
Creator Evtushenko, O.
Євтушенко, О. В.
Евтушенко, О. В.
Klepikov, І.
Клепіков, І. Л.
Клепиков, И. Л.
Subject safety and health at work
оccupational injury
frequency of injury coefficient
partial loss of working capacity coefficient
injury heaviness coefficient.
виробничий травматизм
нещасний випадок
безпека праці
коефіцієнт частоти травматизму
коефіцієнт часткової втрати працездатності
коефіцієнт тяжкості травматизму.
производственный травматизм
несчастный случай
безопасность труда
коэффициент частоты травматизма
коэффициент частичной потери трудоспособности
коэффициент тяжести травматизма.
Description The aim of this work is carrying out of statistical analysis of occupational injuries among Food Industry employees. The object of research is occupational injury in Food Industry for 2003-2011 period. Status of occupational injury in Ukraine was analyzed for 2003-2011 period. We show a results of occupational injury dynamic research in Food Industry of Ukraine from 2003 to 2011 years. Distribution for male and female injured employees on enterprises of Food Industry was performed. Indexes of injury rate and heaviness were calculated. And finally, distribution of accidents for main reasons, sorts of events, profession group, age, work experience was performed. In recent years, industrial injuries, both general and fatal in Ukraine reduced. It is encouraging that this is happening at increasing production volumes and increased business. Despite the decline in Ukraine level, both general and fatal injuries, he remains unacceptably high and exceeds the performance of European countries. In order to establish the most significant and hazards that pose the highest risk of injury, when were analyzed by grouping indicators of injury accidents and fatalities by uniform signs, such as an event, cause, profession of the victim, and defined particle distribution of accidents for each feature . Determine the status, trends and magnitude of the problem of occupational injuries in the food industry, the laws and the impact of various factors on injuries. Established traumatic profession in some sectors of the food industry, revealed qualitative and quantitative parameters of reasons and factors that characterize the current state of injury by type of work performed, which makes this topic relevant. Exploration of labor safety conditions and also of occupational injury reasons and circumstances is useful for developing of sound and effective ways for prevent and reduce the occupational injury, illnesses and worker’s traumatism. The results of research shows, that in food industry of Ukraine during 2003-2011 the number of work accidents was decreased almost in 4 times. Big part of injuries accounted for experience workers who have service record over than 20 years and for workers with professional experience less than one year. We should to pay special attention during the primary and second instructing on the workplace. Besides, it is necessary to improve quality of instructing, intensify the control for low-skilled workers. It is necessary to enlarge the responsibility of all level directors on branch enterprises with aim to prevent the labor safety law violation which leads to work accidents. The frequency of injuries decreased, but the severity of injuries is still high. That means, the accidents became more dangerous. Average frequency of injuries Cf amounts 2.3 and severity of injuries index Cih amounts 34.3 – both of them for period from 2003 to 2011. It indicates that, despite decline of total number of accidents in food industry, the severity of injuries is increasing and it’s necessary to take crucial and complex measures for reduce these rates. Lately modern manufacture work in course international law of labor safety, where for rationale of prevention measures usually using a results of injury risk analysis. Choosing and reasoning of occupational injury prevention ways and measures is provided with consideration of risk factor. That’s why the next important step of exploration is developing of effective prophylactic measures for occupational injury prevention by definition of influence pattern on accidents which caused by technical, organizational, social, economic and manufacture reasons.
Ілюстративний матеріал до вивчення теми: «Виробничий травматизм на підприємствах харчової промисловості України». Представлено результати статистичного аналізу виробничого травматизму на підприємствах харчової промисловості України за період 2003...2011 роки. Подані результати дослідження динаміки виробничого травматизму зі смертельним та без смертельного наслідку. Проведено розподіл нещасних випадків за основними причинами, видами подій, групами професій, віком, стажем роботи, і по групах професій осіб, які допустили порушення законодавства з охорони праці в харчовій промисловості. Проведено розподіл загиблих працівників харчової промисловості у 2003-2011 рр.. за проходженням навчання та інструктажів; за періодами від проходження навчання за професією чи видом роботи до нещасного випадку, від проходження останнього інструктажу до нещасного випадку.
Иллюстративный материал к изучению темы: «Производственный травматизм на предприятиях пищевой промышленности Украины». Представлены результаты статистического анализа производственного травматизма на предприятиях пищевой промышленности Украины за период 2003...2011 годы. Поданы результаты исследования динамики производственного травматизма со смертельным и без смертельного последствия. Проведено распределение несчастных случаев по основным причинам, видам событий, группам профессий, возрасту, стажу работы, и по группам профессий лиц, допустивших нарушения законодательства по охране труда в пищевой промышленности. Проведено распределение погибших работников пищевой промышленности в 2003-2011 гг. за прохождением обучения и инструктажей, за периодами от прохождения обучения по профессии или виду работы до наступления несчастного случая, от прохождения последнего инструктажа до наступления несчастного случая.
Date 2013-06-07T07:58:11Z
Type Other
Identifier Status of work accidents in food industry of Ukraine : презентація / Євтушенко О. В., Клепіков І.Л. // Кафедра безпеки життєдіяльності Національного університету харчових технологій - 2013. - 13 p.
Language other