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Winemaking industry in Ukraine: environmental and economic aspects

Electronic Archive of Sumy State University

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Title Winemaking industry in Ukraine: environmental and economic aspects
Creator Rushenko, Liliia
Subject wine making
Description One of the most widely consumed beverages in many parts of the world is wine, which has been well-known since the early periods of civilization. Besides its economical importance, this beverage can have a positive impact on human health, including the anti – cancer effect.
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Date 2013-08-12T08:16:30Z
Type Article
Identifier Rushenko, L. Winemaking industry in Ukraine: environmental and economic aspects [Текст] / L. Rushenko; supervisor: Yu. Vystavna, D. Diadin // Economics for Ecology ISCS'2013 : матеріали XIX Міжнародної наукової конференції, м. Суми, 30 квітня-3 травня 2013 р. / Ред.кол.: Д.О. Смоленніков, М.С. Шкурат. — Суми : СумДУ, 2013. — P. 144-145.
Language en