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Моніторинг як інструмент стратегічного управління діяльністю організації на ринку дозвілля та розваг

Electronic Archive of Sumy State University

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Title Моніторинг як інструмент стратегічного управління діяльністю організації на ринку дозвілля та розваг
Мониторинг как инструмент стратегического управления деятельностью организаций на рынке досуга и развлечений
Monitoring as a tool for strategic management of organizations in the market of leisure and entertainment
Creator Максимова, Т.С.
Subject розвиток ринку
стратегія управління
развитие рынка
стратегия управления
market development
management strategy
Description У статті розглянуто теоретичні положення моніторингу як інструменту реалізації цілісної концепції стратегічного управління, запропоновано модель та визначено основні етапи моніторингу розвитку ринку дозвілля та розваг. Для оцінки тенденцій розвитку ринку запропонована система аналітичних показників насиченості ринку.
В статье рассматриваются теоретические положения мониторинга как инструмента реализации целостной концепции стратегического управления, предложена модель и определены основные этапы мониторинга рынка досуга и развлечений. Для оценки тенденций развития рынка предложена система аналитических показателей насыщенности рынка.
The aim of the article. The article considers the theoretical principles of monitoring as an instrument for realization of complete management conception, the model is offered and the main stages of monitoring the leisure and entertainment market’s development are determined. The system of analytical indicators of market’s saturation is offered for evaluation of tendencies of market’s development.
The results of the analysis. The market of leisure and entertainment is developing rapidly as a result of that fact that the number of this product’s consumers is constantly increasing. For competitiveness and profit’s increasing, the enterprises, that form the offer at the market of leisure and entertainment, try to improve the strategic management. The strategy’s realization unlike its formation, includes the organizational-administrative, integrative, coordinative and controlling activities, resulting the gradually transformation of the enterprise’s position at the market. All of that needs applying the scientific, analytic, informative accompaniment of management decisions. Among the effective measures, that are directed on perfection of strategic management of an enterprise’s activity at the leisure and entertainment market creation of the system of market’s development monitoring must become, in our opinion, an integral part of the system of strategic management of marketing activity of the enterprises that provide that kind of services.
This problem’s solution may be based on using the monitoring system, or «system, that follows» in another words. It is the developed mechanism of constant observing the indicators of the leisure and entertainment market’s development, definition of size of deviation of actual results from the predicted ones and detection of its reasons.
Among the number of modern analytic methods, monitoring must be considered as an instrument that realizes the complete conception of management of the process of program’s realization, directed on operative detection of transformative deviations. The system of monitoring the leisure and entertainment market’s development must include the next basic stages: creation of the system of informative indicators, that characterize the level of leisure and entertainment market’s development; development of the system of analytic indicators, that show the actual results of research, that are provided by the strategy of parameters of leisure and entertainment market’s development; definition of control periods in every method of analysis and every group of controlling indicators; definition of size of deviations of actual results of controlling indicators from parameters, that are predicted by the strategy; definition of the main reasons of deviations and correction of enterprise’s activity at the leisure and entertainment market.
Coordinating, integrating and directing activity of the whole system of strategic management to reaching the aims, the monitoring functions as «managing the management» and synthesize the processes of accounting, economic analysis and organization of informational flows.
Conclusions and directions of further researches. The special attention in monitoring structure is given to complex of activities and possibilities of express-diagnosis. That complex of methods is realized with the help of analysis of the basic leading parameters and more detailed (deep) analysis of wider list of indicators. The article gives an example of using the indicators of market’s saturation as one of the groups of indicators system that characterize parameters of the leisure and entertainment market’s development.
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Date 2014-07-25T10:08:42Z
Type Article
Identifier Максимова, Т.С. Моніторинг як інструмент стратегічного управління діяльністю організації на ринку дозвілля та розваг [Текст] / Т.С. Максимова // Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій. - 2014. - № 2. - С. 114-121.
Language uk