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Організаційно-правові аспекти формування транспортного кластера в регіоні

Electronic Archive of Sumy State University

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Title Організаційно-правові аспекти формування транспортного кластера в регіоні
Организационно-правовые аспекты формирования транспортного кластера в регионе
Organizational and legal aspects of regional transport cluster forming
Creator Лифар, В.В.
Subject транспортний кластер
транспортний комплекс
конкурентне середовище
транспортно-логістична інфраструктура
транспортный кластер
транспортный комплекс
конкурентная среда
транспортно-логистическая инфраструктура
transport cluster
transport complex
competitive environment
transport and logistical infrastructure
Description У статті на основі порівняльного аналізу надане авторське визначення транспортного кластера, визначено його зміст, структуру, організаційно-правову форму. У результаті запропоновано структуру транспортного кластера, що містить три блоки (бізнес, наука, влада). Подано концептуальну схему функціонування транспортного кластера, що розкриває взаємозв’язки з підприємствами інших кластерів.
В статье на основе сравнительного анализа дано авторское определение транспортного кластера, определены его содержание, структура, организационно-правовая форма. В результате предложена структура транспортного кластера, которая включает три блока (бизнес, наука, власть). Представлена концептуальная схема функционирования транспортного кластера, раскрывающая взаимосвязи с предприятиями других кластеров.
The aim of the article. The objective of the work is to define the organizational and legal aspects of transport cluster forming transport, in particular its maintenance, form and intercommunications of participants.
The results of the analysis. In the article on the basis of comparative analysis of determination of clusters and interpretation of their essence by other scientists, authorial determination of transport cluster is given, its maintenance, structure and legal form, are also determined. In basis of transport cluster the forming of transport-logistic system lies, and the center of such cluster can be a transport-logistic center. The legal framework of creation of cluster can be an agreement about joint activity. At the same time a cluster can have organizational and legal registration as a contractual association of legal entities with preservation of their self-dependence and independence. Management of transport cluster forming must take place at the level of regional state administration on condition of support of branch organs of management and have a complex character. The offered structure of transport cluster includes three basic blocks: business, science, power. Between the blocks of cluster the high degree of co-ordination must be attained. The center of cluster mostly is formed by the few powerful transport companies of region, which constitute the «kernel». Round this kernel the significant amount of small and middle firms which also co-operate and compete between each other is concentrated. The enterprises of region or regions, uniting in a cluster, obtain the possibility to defend their interests more effectively at the level of local authorities and local self-government, and also to participate in the large investment projects.
Ultimately transport cluster is determined as an integration form of menage which will allow uniting transport organizations and pointing all resources at development of a transport and logistic infrastructure taking into account the features of functioning and development of a transport infrastructure. The development of a transport cluster should be examined as a certain program which is an aggregate of interrelated projects. The source of basic financial result of cluster (cluster rent) is co-ordination of activity of participants in the process of realization of these projects. The functioning of cluster is possible only at certain terms: the personal business interest, support of regional power, forming of innovative environment. Conclusions and directions of further researches. Thus, the forming of transport cluster in a region has difficult, system character; it must take place taking into account the noted organizational and legal aspects, in particular, offered structure and maintenance. Only due to the high degree of co-operation of transport enterprises of region possibly creation and functioning of transport cluster which will assist becoming of competitive regional economy. The subject of further researches the mechanism of transport cluster forming and correlation of interests of basic participants of project will become.
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Date 2014-07-25T11:04:34Z
Type Article
Identifier Лифар, В.В. Організаційно-правові аспекти формування транспортного кластера в регіоні [Текст] / В.В. Лифар // Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій. - 2014. - № 2. - С. 188-195.
Language uk