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«Language-game» in social networks’ space

Репозитарій Національного Авіаційного Університету

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title «Language-game» in social networks’ space
Creator Ягодзинский, Сергей Николаевич
Subject сетевое общество
языковая игра
Description On the contrary, common language includes metaphors, analogies, comparison, the origin of which cannot be explained. A logical question arises: can a natural language be the bearer of sense in the content where the author is absent? A message in the network, commentary, summary very often become impersonal, losing the direct connection with the author, and turning into an intertext. Here “language-games” start acting actively. A message evokes a lot of responses, comparison, checks, confirmations, contradictions and questions. If during his youth, L. Wittgenstein dreamt to create an ideal, single, complete, logical language, in his latest years he changed his understanding of the language. The language starts to be an unfinished, open system, where rules transform according to the new norms of the language function. We consider, that such approach gave L. Wittgenstein’s philosophy a long life and interest of modern philosophers and scientists to his personality. Taking into account, that his ideas are productive while analyzing virtual social networks as well, we can undoubtedly talk about the formation of Wittgenstein’s paradigm in the modern philosophy.
Date 2014-08-27T06:43:04Z
Type Article
Identifier Iagodzinskyi S. «Language-game» in social networks’ space // Гуманітарні студії. Зб. наук. праць. Вип. 14. – К.: Київський університет. – 2012. – С. 3-5
Language en
Publisher Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченка