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Майстри сакрального образотворчого мистецтва Західного Поділля другої половини XVIII століття

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Title Майстри сакрального образотворчого мистецтва Західного Поділля другої половини XVIII століття
Мастера сакрального изобразительного искусства Западного подолья второй половины XVIII века
Masters of the sacral fine art of the second half of the XVIII -ra century in the Western Podillya
Creator Бакович, Олена Петрівна
Description Розглянуто творчість майстрів сакрального образотворчого мистецтва, які працювали на території Західного Поділля у другій половині XVIII ст., зокрема майстрів (малярів, скульпторів, різьбярів) місцевих шкіл та сусідніх регіонів. Висвітлено роботу мистецьких осередків регіону. Проаналізовано суспільну приналежність майстрів та їх творчий доробок, розглянуто підписні та датовані твори.
В статье рассматривается творчество мастеров сакрального изобразительного искусства, которые работали на территории Западного Подолья во второй половине XVIII века., в частности мастеров (маляров, скульпторов, резчиков) местных школ и соседних регионов. Освещена работа художественных центров региона. Проанализирована общественная принадлежность мастеров и их творчество, рассмотрены подписные и датированные произведения
In the XVIII -th century, in the Ukrainian sacral art a number of signed icons have been increased. It is connected with changes of painters self-awareness and some change of views about iconography in general. Besides the works belong to some styles in the iconography of the period under review, we can trace signs of the author's individual style. These tendencies can be observed particularly in the Western Podillya.
In the second half of the XVIII-th century there were artistic centres on the Western Podillya, which were concentrated around the monasteries of the Congregation of St. Basil. The largest art centres were the monasteries in Pochaiv (Volyn region), Zolochiv, Pidhirtsi (Galicia) and others, representatives of which also actively worked on the territory of the Western Podillya. Among the Basilian monks were muralists, portraitist, iconostasis carvers, engravers and others. The information about the activity of Paul Kozarkevych (1721-1787), Stefan (Samson ) Skrytetskyi (1723-? (after 1784) is collected. It is also known that Denys Holovchynskyi (?-1784) painted, made decorative and figurative carving and performed works for the monasteries of the Western Volyn and Podillya. Another Basilian painter was a priest Isykhii Holovatskyi (1735-? (after 1771)who made frescoes in the monastery of the Basilian church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (1770-1771 ) and the wall paintings of the church of the Intercession of the Theotokos (1771) in Buchach.
Basilian masters who worked in Pochaiv and could have worked on the neighboring territories, in particular the Western Podillya, were Hnat Benkovskyi (1732-?) Antin (Antonina) Hrushetskyi (1734-?), T. Dunaivskyi, brothers Ivan (Iakif, Iakynof) (1726-1781) and Stefan (Sava) (?-after 1785), carver Stefan from Kremenetsk.
Jesuit Order also played an important role in the second half of the 18th century. Besides teaching their monks who performed work on building and decorating churches, they were also promoting secular masters. Among them there was Pavlol Hizhytskyi - an architect and designer, who created the project of iconostasis and altar for Basilian monastery church in Pidhirtsi.
On the territory of Western Podillya, in the second half of the XVIII-th century Lviv painters worked, namely muralist Stanislav and Marcin Stroinski, Joseph Yazvinski, Tomash Gertner, Joseph Hoynytskyi, Yurii Radyvylovskyi, monk Paulin Marcalii Dobzhenivskyi.
It also could be named the painters of whom we have little documentary information but know them for signatures on works: Horach N. Andriy Soletskyi, Stefan - Terebovlya painter. More information is about Anton Lesytskyi - a painter of the second half of the XVIII-th century from Rohatyn. His signature was found on the side of the throne of the church of Translation of the Relics of St. Nicholas in Slovyatyn village, Berezhany district dated from 1777, as well as the icons of the iconostasis in Holdovychi and Holodivka villages, Rohatyn district.
The iconostases of the Nativity of the Theotokos Church (the middle of XVIII-th century (after 1750) in Novosilka village, Pidhayetsk district, St. Nicholas church (1760 years) in Kalne village, Koziv district and the church of Resurrection of Jesus (early ХІХ-th century) in Kalne village, Zboriv district belong to the touch of one master, who is also the author of the mural painting (1773-1774) and the four icons on the canvas in the Church of Nativity in Novosilka village, Pidhaitsi district.
Sculptural school was in Mykulyntsi town where Hryhoriy from Mykulyntsi, Martyn Tvardovkyi, Yosyp Lorents and Hryhoriy Chornyi worked. On the Western Podillya the masters of the Lviv school of sculpture also worked.
Thus, we can conclude that on the Western Podillya in the second half of the 18th century some masters of sacral art worked and functioned art centres. It should be noted that creativity of the most artists is associated with iconostasis ensembles.
Publisher Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка
Date 2014-10-24T10:20:02Z
Type Article
Identifier Бакович, О. П. Майстри сакрального образотворчого мистецтва Західного Поділля другої половини XVIII століття [Текст] / О. П. Бакович // Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство / редкол.: М. Є. Станкевич, О. М. Голубець, Л. А. Кондрацька [та ін.] ; голов. ред. О. С. Смоляк. – Тернопіль : ТНПУ, 2014. – Вип. 1. – С. 219–225. – Бібліогр. в кінці ст.
Language uk
Relation Мистецтвознавство
Rights © Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка