Запис Детальніше

Теоретичні засади проблеми торгівлі дітьми в Україні

Институционный репозиторий Киевского университета имени Бориса Гринченко

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Relation http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/5861/
Title Теоретичні засади проблеми торгівлі дітьми в Україні
Theoretical foundations of trade problems in children in Ukraine
Creator Спіріна, Тетяна Петрівна
Середа, Л.В.
Subject Всеукраїнські
Description Авторами у статті проаналізовано різні підходи до визначення поняття та причин виникнення такого явища як «торгівля людьми», теоретичні засади здійснення профілактичної роботи щодо попередження торгівлі дітьми
During the transformation of modern Ukrainian civil society is facing new challenges and problems. Their magnitude and consequences threaten not only for the further development of a single person, but also Ukrainian nation as a whole. Traditional systems and mechanisms can not effectively resist the emergence and spread of abuse and violence, human trafficking, exploitation of different skills and abilities.
Combating human trafficking is currently considered as one of the priorities of the internal policy of Ukraine. Government of Ukraine adopted a number of important resolutions and decrees. The problem of trafficking is incredibly relevant, its magnitude is a serious threat to the internal security of the state and its demographics.
This negative phenomenon can manifest itself in various forms - from kidnapping to their sales using deception, blackmail or vulnerable state entity. Victims of trafficking for forced labor used in the pornography business as donors in transplantation of tissues and organs and so on.
In September 1999, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the first program of prevention of trafficking in women and children, were adopted amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which recognized the serious trafficking crime against human life and public morality. This means that human trafficking is recognized Ukrainian state as a social evil that must be fought, bringing together government, civil society and international organizations.
Particularly vulnerable to situations of trafficking children. Trafficking in children and their further use can lead to serious consequences for the future development of the child or even threaten life itself. The consequences of suffering physical, mental, sexual, economic violence affect the entire future life of the child, complicating the process of rehabilitation and subsequent socialization.
The authors analyze different approaches to the definition and causes of this phenomenon as "trafficking in women" theoretical principles of prevention activities to prevent trafficking in persons, particularly children.
Date 2014-10-29
Type Доповідь на конференції чи семінарі
Format text
Language uk
Identifier http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/5861/1/T_SPIRINA_L_SEREDA%20_VCNPU_122_KSP%26SR_IL.pdf
Спіріна, Тетяна Петрівна та Середа, Л.В. (2014) Теоретичні засади проблеми торгівлі дітьми в Україні In: П’яті Сіверянські соціально-психологічні читання, м. Чернігів.