Запис Детальніше


Наукові журнали НАУ

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Creator Зозуля, Наталія; Національний авіаційний університет
Subject philosophical thoughts; poem and song; music and sound image; poetical light and music; musical expression; melodiousness

философичность; стихотворение-песня; музыкальный и звуковой образ; поэтическая светомузыка; музыкальная выразительность; мелодичность

філософічність; вірш-пісня; музичний і звуковий образ; поетична світломузика; музична виразність; мелодійність

Description The article deals with the creative work of O.Bohachuk as great andextremely original phenomenon of the twentieth century in Ukrainian culture,in originality terms of both song poetry and time phenomenon. Its study wasconducted taking into the account of systemic, complex, evolutionaryapproaches to such fundamental directions: Time - Audience – Creative work,which are important in its totality, dialectical relationship and interdependence.The analysis of music and sound images, melody, lyricism of poems and songs,created by person who loved his native land, Volyn, allows to deepen theunderstanding of creative individuality of the artist.In prospecting is noted, that poetry of O.Bohachuk is interesting not onlyas the achievement of creative person, it has incorporated the time, originallyreflected it, and in its turn, affected the mindset of millions of people. It isindivisibly connected with Ukrainian variety song, that was born in the 50‘s ofthe twentieth century and reached its greatest popularity in the mid of 60's -70's, but in 80‘s, songs on the poets‘ words began to lose their admirers.Reasons for that primarily became changes in the mass culture, changing ofmusical tastes.It is found out, that the main motives of songs on words of O.Bohachuk,were love to his native land, little motherland, mother, also tender and strongtlove lyrics. His creativity has been directed to the origins, to the national roots, to the folk song, that in conditions of russified city and growing ideologicalpressure of the CPSU, acquired special significance. It was the folk song to bethe main impetus for writing his own songs. Therefore, some songs areperceived as folk ones.The mastery of O.Bohachuk writing poetry is stated. It is alleged, thatcombining the music, painting and poetry, the artist creates poetical light andmusic, were light, shadow, colors, music, word is harmony. He reproducesworld in its mobility and variability. Chiaroscuro changes in work also points tothe change of the lyrical hero‘s mood, but most often soft sounds, dim, gray anddark colors are preferred. It is impossible to separate the feeling of lyrical herofrom the nature pictures. Nature is consonant with the inner state of the poet.It is specified, that poet works are sounding melodiously. Author isseemed to immerse in the depth of his poetic and philosophical vision andunderstanding of the world, and thus true masterpieces of song creation cameout under his pen. Philosophical thoughts of his works dissolve in the textcontent, forming its inner essence. Each line is viewed with wisdom combinedwith romance. However, the author does not depart from the time requirements.His creativity is directly connected with the peculiarities of political time; it issuccumbed to the influence of the Soviet period and social life conditions(forms of functioning of kinds of arts).Close inner unity of poetic (literary) word, music and performance in thesong poetry of O.Bohachuk is noted. Variety of the content, expressed bycertain structure of poet poems, appears in each particular case in conditions ofsong sounding and particular voice sounding.It is proved, that originality of the artist‘s creativity better manifests in thecontext of Ukrainian culture of the second half of the twentieth century, incomparison with the works of other songwriters.
В статье рассматривается творчество А. Богачука как большое иочень оригинальное явление украинской культуры ХХ века и с точкизрения самобытности песенной поэзии, и феномена времени.Анализируются жанровые особенности стихов-песен, созданных поэтом-песенником, характеризуется их поэтика. На основе анализа стиховопределяется связь художественного мышления автора с устнымнародным творчеством. Песенное творчество рассматривается в теснойвнутреннем единстве поэтического (литературного) слова, музыки иисполнения.
У статті розглядається творчість О.Богачука як велике і надзвичайнооригінальне явище української культури ХХ століття і з точки зорусамобутності співаної поезії, і феномена часу. Аналізуються жанровіособливості віршів-пісень, створених поетом-піснярем, характеризуєтьсяїхня поетика. На основі аналізу поезій визначається зв‘язок художньогомислення автора з усною народною творчістю. Пісенна творчістьрозглядається в тісній внутрішній єдності поетичного (літературного)слова, музики та виконання.
Publisher Національний Авіаційний Університет

Date 2015-05-13
Format application/pdf
Identifier http://jrnl.nau.edu.ua/index.php/go/article/view/7756
Source Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities; № 31 (2015); 148-159
Гуманитарное образование в технических высших учебных заведениях; № 31 (2015); 148-159
Гуманітарна освіта у технічних вищих навчальних закладах; № 31 (2015); 148-159
Language uk