Запис Детальніше

Внутрішній Комунікаційний простір проповідей Лазара Барановича

Наукові журнали НАУ

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Внутрішній Комунікаційний простір проповідей Лазара Барановича
Creator Беліченко, Ольга
Subject бароко; внутрішня комунікаційна форма; проповіді

Ukrainian baroque; internal communicative form; sermons

украинское барокко; внутренняя коммуникационная форма; проповеди

Description У статті зроблено спробу розглянути комунікативні властивості українського барокового тексту на прикладі проповідей Лазара Барановича.
This article attempts to examine the communicative properties ofUkrainian baroque text the example of Lazar Baranovych‘s sermons.In the modern world literature exists in space full of new communicativetechnologies. The problem is that the disclosure of the phenomenon ―literature‖within traditions of the literary criticism is impossible in the conditions of arising of social communicative system based on the latest communicativetechnologies, tools and means of reproduction of information flows, includingfigurative art.In the Ukrainian literary criticism it has brewed the problem of writing thehistory of Ukrainian literature, the main criterion of which should have been areader, recipient and his relationship with the author through the text.The quality of the works of fiction is revealed in a unique communicativelink between its elements. Its meaning and essence is manifested in thecommunicative space as the appropriate signs and characterize the literature interms of internal communicative forms.Internal communicative form is a difficult concept, associated with suchcategories as communicative space and time, author and hero. The internalclassification of literature consists of the interaction of opposing tendencies: thedesire for hierarchical division of works and genres, as well as any importantelements of artistic structure.Lazar Baranovych‘s preaching practice is recorded in several handwrittenand separately printed preaching and two collections of sermons. The author ofthe articles is primarily interested in the question of the communicativestructure of the work. It is noted that in this context two concepts aredistinguished: the architectonics and composition. Under the architectonics oneunderstands the structure of the work of art as a whole, integral relationship ofits main components. Architectonics as the general plan of the whole work,includes the largest elements of this or that work of art, that is megaimages. Inaddition to the megaimages chapters, sections, actions, parts etc are also theelements of the architectonics.Lazar Baranovych‘s works can be defined as a cultural universe, culturalspace, which was considered as a generalized model of the world, the wholecomplex of the writer‘s ideological ideas , his philosophical, aesthetic, religiousand ethical views on their implementation through a system of signs, codes,motives, myths, symbols. Therefore, the interpretation of a work of literature isthe penetration in its communicative space, formed by different structural levels– from concepts and images to motives, plots, layer of culture.
В статье сделана попытка рассмотреть особенности украинскогобароккового текста на примере проповедей Лазаря Барановича.
Publisher Національний Авіаційний Університет

Date 2015-05-13
Format application/pdf
Identifier http://jrnl.nau.edu.ua/index.php/go/article/view/7748
Source Humanitarian Education in Technical Universities; № 31 (2015); 117-131
Гуманитарное образование в технических высших учебных заведениях; № 31 (2015); 117-131
Гуманітарна освіта у технічних вищих навчальних закладах; № 31 (2015); 117-131
Language uk