Запис Детальніше

Gender and Meritocracy in Education Discourse: Language Matters

Zhytomyr State University Library

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Relation http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/9609/
Title Gender and Meritocracy in Education Discourse: Language Matters
Creator Семенюк, І. С.
Subject P Philology. Linguistics
Description This paper is an attempt to provide an answer to the question: to what extend is the word "meritocracy" justified and correct for all modern societies especially post-Soviet countries. The focus of our attention is on the meritocracy in education discourse in the post-Soviet space namely in Ukraine, which some scholars view as a phantom, some as objective reality and others as a process from "not yet elite to elite". The goal is to contribute to a better understanding of merit-based education systems and in shaping gender disparities at universities.
Publisher Proceedings. – Istanbul
Date 2013
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
Identifier http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/9609/1/Iryna%20Semeniuk%20Maltepe%20April%2024-25%2C%202013.pdf
Семенюк, І. С. (2013) Gender and Meritocracy in Education Discourse: Language Matters. FAS 2013 International Student Congress on Gender, Maltepe University International Student Congresses, Istanbul, Turkey, 25-26 April, 2013: Proceedings. – Istanbul, 2013.. pp. 35-50.