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Multidimensional random motion with uniformly distributed changes of direction and erlang steps

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Relation http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/13240/
Title Multidimensional random motion with uniformly distributed changes of direction and erlang steps
Creator Pogoruі, А. А.
Rodríguez-Dagnіno, Ramón М.
Subject Mathematical Analysis
Description We study transport processes in ℝ n, n ≥ 1; that have nonexponentially distributed sojourn times or non-Markovian step durations. We use the idea that the probabilistic properties of a random vector are completely determined by those of its projection to a fixed line, and, using this idea, we avoid many difficulties appearing in the analysis of these problems in higher dimensions. As a particular case, we find the probability density function in three dimensions for 2-Erlang-distributed sojourn times.
Publisher Springer US
Date 2011-09
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
Identifier http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/13240/1/Pogoruj.pdf
Pogoruі, А. А. and Rodríguez-Dagnіno, Ramón М. (2011) Multidimensional random motion with uniformly distributed changes of direction and erlang steps. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal (63(4)). pp. 665-671. ISSN 0041-5995