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Asymptotic expansion for the distribution of a Markovian random motion

Zhytomyr State University Library

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Relation http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/13246/
Title Asymptotic expansion for the distribution of a Markovian
random motion
Creator Pogoruі, А. А.
Subject Mathematical Analysis
Description In this paper, we study an asymptotic expansion for the distribution of a random
motion of a particle driven by a Markov process in diffusion approximation. We show that the
singularly perturbed equation of a Markovian random motion can be reduced to the regularly
perturbed equation for the distribution of the random motion.
Publisher ROSE
Date 2009
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
Identifier http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/13246/1/ROSE.2009%282%29.pdf
Pogoruі, А. А. (2009) Asymptotic expansion for the distribution of a Markovian random motion. Stochastic Eqs. (17). pp. 189-196.