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Interaction and “Standard English”: Gender Matters

Zhytomyr State University Library

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Relation http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/14751/
Title Interaction and “Standard English”: Gender Matters
Creator Семенюк, І. С.
Subject P Philology. Linguistics
Description This paper examines the influence of existing male and female language stereotypes in “Standard English” and it also focuses on specific genres: verbal activity types, with specific social roles assigned for participants. Conversation – an informal, private genre of talk – is in its focus. The goal is to contribute to a better understanding of the division of conversational labor, male-female distinct “interactional styles”, politeness strategies used by women and men.
Publisher International On-line journal.
Date 2013
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
Identifier http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/14751/1/Iryna%20Semeniuk%20Antalya%20January%2016%2C%202013.pdf
Семенюк, І. С. (2013) Interaction and “Standard English”: Gender Matters. West East Journal of Social Sciences., 2 (1). pp. 56-62. ISSN 2168-7315 USA