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Петрология и формационная принадлежность габбро-долеритов Рудня-Базарской интрузии (Волынский мегаблок Украинского щита)

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Title Петрология и формационная принадлежность габбро-долеритов Рудня-Базарской интрузии (Волынский мегаблок Украинского щита)
Creator Митрохин, А.В.
Омельченко, А.Н.
Андреев, А.А.
Subject Петрологія
Description Рудня-Базарская базитовая интрузия пространственно ассоциирует со сложным Коростенским плутоном анортозит-рапакивигранитной формации в пределах Волынского мегаблока Украинского щита. Изучены минералогопетрографические особенности и формационная принадлежность габбро-долеритов Рудня-Базарской интрузии.
Выполнено сравнение со субщелочными базитовыми дайками восточной части Волынского мегаблока и габброидами коростенского комплекса. Доказана родственность габбро-долеритов Рудня-Базарской интрузии базитам
коростенского комплекса. Определена их фосфор-титановая минерагеническая специализация.
Рудня-Базарська базитова інтрузія просторово асоціює зі складним Коростенським плутоном анортозит-рапаківігранітної формації в межах Волинського мегаблоку Українського щита. Вивчені мінералогопетрографічні особливості та формаційна приналежність габро-долеритів Рудня-Базарської інтрузії. Виконано
порівняння з сублужними базитовими дайками східної частини Волинського мегаблоку та з габроїдами коростенського комплексу. Доведена спорідненість габро-долеритів Рудня-Базарської інтрузії з базитами коростенського
комплексу. Визначена їх фосфор-титанова мінерагенічна спеціалізація.
The Rudnya-Bazarska mafic intrusion (RBI) spatially associates with the Korosten gabbro-anorthositemangerite-
rapakivi-granite complex within Volyn block of the Ukrainian Shield. The RBI crosscuts the metamorphic rocks
of the Nedashky block that represents an ancient folded basement of the Korosten pluton. The Nedashky block is located in
the least exposed northeast part of the Korosten pluton that, therewith, got in a zone of resettlement after the Chernobyl
disaster. Thus, this area is one of the least investigated within the crystalline basement of the Ukrainian Shield. The recent
regional geological researches in this region have been executed in the 70's of the 20th century when carrying out geological
survey 1 : 50000 scale. Some results of these researches have been generalized in reports about the geological survey, but,
unfortunately, are not they published in the scientific literature. The authors have summarized all data about geological
position of the RBI and have studied available drill-cores from sparse boreholes drilled in the area of the Nedashky block.
RBI occurs as linearly extended body with north-east strike controlled by the Teterev fracture zone. It is traced at a distance
more than 18 km with thickness of 1—1.5 km. In the significant area the RBI is covered by mesozoic to cainozoic sediments
up to 70 m. On the north-east flank it is covered by quartz porphyries of the Vilcha suite with U-Pb zircon isotope age of
1770 Ma. RBI breaks through the migmatites of the paleoproterozoic Zhitomir complex (2010 Ma), a possible substratum
for which was gneisses of amphibolitic facies and shales of the Teterev group. Several veins of aplitic-pegmatitic granites,
crosscutting the RBI rocks, were attributed to Korosten complex. The authors investigate mineralogical and petrographic
features of the mafic rocks of the Rudnya-Bazarska intrusion. A comparison is made with the subalkaline mafic dikes widely
distributed in the eastern part of the Volyn block and with the Korosten complex gabbroic rocks. RBI is formed by hypabyssal
gabbroic rocks with subalkaline features. The majority of the investigated samples are unaltered rocks with well expressed
medium-grained subophitic and gabbro-ophitic textures, which make them similar to the gabbro-dolerites of Zvizdal-
Zalesye, Skuraty, Belokorovichy and some others subalkaline basic dykes, widespread in eastern part of the Volyn block at
the vicinity of the Korosten pluton. The similarity is supported by the olivine-bearing composition of the RBI basites with
apatite-ilmenite paragenesis of accessory minerals. At the same time, a careful comparison of RBI basites with the gabbrodolerites
of the neighboring Zvizdal-Zalesye dyke shows some essential distinctions in composition and microtextural
features of the investigated rocks. The main characteristic feature of RBI rock compositions is their greater modal diversity
especially in respect of quantitative contents of plagioclase and mafic, two-pyroxen paragenesis with usual prevalence of
orthopyroxene (inverted pigeonite) above augite, more evolved mafic minerals, greater variations in concentration of Fe-Ti
oxide-ore minerals and apatite. The textural features of RBI rocks are a wide spread of marginal coronary textures around
olivine and pyroxenes as well as subsolidus dissolution microstructures in pyroxenes, ilmenite and Ti-magnetite. A lot of
mineralogical and petrographical features of RBI rocks correspond to the Korosten complex gabbroids, especially to their
variations with gabbro-ophitic textures which are frequent among basites of this complex. This together with geochemical
features allows to expect the phosphorus-titanium ore specialization for the RBI. Physical and chemical conditions of RBI
mineral paragenesis formation demands additional researches.
Date 2014-05-19T15:28:19Z
Type Article
Identifier Петрология и формационная принадлежность габбро-долеритов Рудня-Базарской интрузии (Волынский мегаблок Украинского щита) / А.В. Митрохин, А.Н. Омельченко, А.А. Андреев // Мінералогічний журнал. — 2010. — Т. 32, № 1. — С. 57-66. — Бібліогр.: 7 назв. — рос.
551.22+552.3 (477)
Language ru
Relation Мінералогічний журнал
Publisher Інститут геохімії, мінералогії та рудоутворення ім. М.П. Семененка НАН України