Верховенство права як ціннісна характеристика права
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
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Title |
Верховенство права як ціннісна характеристика права
Creator |
Карась, А.Г.
Subject |
Загальна теорія принципів права
Description |
У статті розглядається проблема визначення верховенства права, його становлення і закріплення в українському законодавстві. Надано обґрунтування верховенства права як ціннісної характеристики права в умовах мінливої динаміки демократизації українського суспільства. Обґрунтовано формування розуміння ціннісної характеристики верховенства права в Україні в умовах, коли суспільний інтерес до верховенства права стримуються чинним законодавством та романо-германською правовою традицією.
В статье рассматривается проблема определения верховенства права, его становление и закрепление в украинском законодательстве. Даны обоснования верховенства права как ценностной характеристики права в условиях меняющейся динамики демократизации украинского общества. Обосновано формирование понимания ценностной характеристики верховенства права в Украине в условиях, когда общественный интерес к верховенству права удерживается действующим законодательством и романо-германской правовой традицией. In 1996 Ukraine pursuant to the Constitution was declared as a rule of law country. Unfortunately, this title may be give only to the state, which ensured the rule of law in all fields of public life where social relations are regulated under the law. For law-abiding citizens of this state is the moral principle, which underlies citizenship and personal behavior. S. Holovaty told that the goal of the rule of law is to limit political power. It is identified with the fundamental principles of liberalism and democracy, constituent elements which are: the principle of separation of powers, the principle of legality, the principle of legal equality, recognition of individual liberty, judicial control over legislative and executive branches of government, the relationship between law and morality. At of today, the legislation of Ukraine does not provide any definition of rule of law, but the government begin to build its activities in the field of law-making, is based on the principles of natural law, which have a powerful positive impact on all legislative array. Notably, in 2 November 2004 the Constitutional Court of Ukraine proclaim a decision in which he firstly outlined his understanding of the rule of law «rule of law — a rule of law in society. The rule of law requires the state to implement its law-making and enforcement activity, particularly in the laws in its content must be imbued with first ideas of social justice, freedom, equality and so on. Part III of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Ukraine states: Ukrainian Sovereign State Republic guarantees the supremacy of the Constitution and laws of the Republic on its territory. This situation had developed in Article 8 of the 1996 Constitution of Ukraine, which proclaimed the recognition and action in Ukraine the rule of law: The Constitution of Ukraine has the highest legal force. Laws and regulations adopted on the basis of the Constitution of Ukraine and shall conform to it. At the same time overcome the clichéd idea of legal right as the sole criterion for assessing the legal reality. Recognition of the plurality of sources of law, determination of their system and subordination — the most important task for the modern life of Ukrainian law, which must be settled in all fields of legal regulation. On author point of view, implementing the rule of law should be determined at the level of the Constitution. The fact that the Constitution — is not only legal document of higher legal force, but also the founding document, which laid the ideological and organizational principles of legal law and law-making in general. It was given important practical application of constitutional law legal descriptions, legal state. This problem should be solved not only at the stage of enforcement activity, this in science and in practice, paid much more attention. Obviously, for the establishment and operation of special bodies of constitutional control, to control under the current law constitutional rights criteria. However, the legal nature of the laws should lay on the stage of law-making. It is important to point out that the Ukrainian legislation did not define yet such value characteristics of law as the rule of law. It is suggested the activities of administrative and judicial authorities did not receive certain legal guidelines, in some of the examples of legislation; obviously, it is more about the rule of legislation than the rule of law that is not the same. Unfortunately, the legislators did not consider that the law primarily regulates relations with the participation of citizens interested in the rule of law. And no relationship between the authorities that it is logical to subordinate the rule of law. The rule of law in Ukrainian legislation is implemented in different fields of law through the mechanism of law as related to the involvement of norms and values of the fundamental fields in solving problems at all levels of the hierarchy of areas of law from special to complex. |
Date |
2014-06-09T06:57:22Z 2012 |
Type |
Identifier |
Верховенство права як ціннісна характеристика права / А.Г. Карась // Альманах права. — 2012. — Вип. 3. — С. 185-190. — Бібліогр.: 14 назв. — укр.
XXXX-0113 http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/63907 340.0 |
Language |
Relation |
Альманах права
Publisher |
Інститут держави і права ім. В.М. Корецького НАН України