Запис Детальніше

Правова реальність як вияв цінності права: підходи до характеристики

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Title Правова реальність як вияв цінності права: підходи до характеристики
Creator Карпічков, В.О.
Subject Загальна теорія принципів права
Description В статті аналізуються основні підходи до визначення правової реальності, обґрунтовується власне бачення цієї категорії, досліджується її природа, зміст та структура, дається характеристика правової реальності як аспекту прояву цінності права.
В статье рассматриваются основные подходы к определению правовой реальности, обосновывается собственное виденье этой категории, исследуется ее природа, содержание и структура, дается характеристика правовой реальности как аспекта проявления ценности права.
The article gives the basic for analyze legal reality, its own vision of the category which is grounded on its nature, maintenance and structure, is probed, description of legal reality is given as to the aspect of display of value of right. Actuality of the article dedicates to the synergistically field of social life which co-operates with other constituents and necessity of decision of essence of law phenomenon. It is necessary to find ontological nature of law, maintenance, and to composition concept of legal reality, knowledge of basic forms of legal life, a process of cognition of this important category is impossible. The research of any scientific category at theoretical level stipulates the necessity of development and application of the proper going near its description. Therefore actuality of this scientific publication is stipulated also the necessity of research the phenomenon of legal reality on a base of theoretical approaches. Pursuant to the theory we can tool legal science deeper and more concrete to probe legal reality not only as the social phenomenon but also as the special form of legal life, original legal world view, inherent all society on the whole and to the concrete person. Actuality of select theme and degree of its research stipulated the purpose of scientific publication decision of going near description of legal reality and its structure. Being the fundamental scientific category of legal theory, legal reality is the difficult and multilevel system of elements which in an aggregate make the autonomous sphere of human life. Legal reality consists of elements among which are the following: 1) theory of law, idea of law; 2) legal norms and laws; 3) legal experience and public practice. Essence of legal reality as a scientific category appears through the prism of human consciousness, its reflection in law. Thus legal reality must be perceived not only as a subjective comprehension of right, but as such sphere of legal life, the active participant is a subject of legal relationships. The legal reality is the special form of public life; it is an ideal category and combines the objective and subjective aspects of legal life and indissolubly related to consciousness, sensuality, practice; carries out influence on the participants of public relations; closely related to the cultural, economic and political factors which exist in society; engulfs all circle of the legal phenomena (phenomena) as fundamental so derivatives from them, as negative so positive; provides the process of formation of right, his interpretation and application; represents the general dynamics of society legal life; it is an index valued-spiritual and standard of culture of development of society. It is possible to define legal reality as difficult multidimensional phenomenon of ideal reality, which shows by itself harmonic unity of internal (subjective) and external (objective) aspects of legal life and consists of fundamental legal essences, derivatives from them the legal phenomena objectively exist in the field of legal matter and carry out influence on the participants of public relations.
Date 2014-06-09T06:59:15Z
Type Article
Identifier Правова реальність як вияв цінності права: підходи до характеристики / В.О. Карпічков // Альманах права. — 2012. — Вип. 3. — С. 191-194. — Бібліогр.: 6 назв. — укр.
Language uk
Relation Альманах права
Publisher Інститут держави і права ім. В.М. Корецького НАН України