Сутність принципів юридичної відповідальності
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
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Title |
Сутність принципів юридичної відповідальності
Creator |
Свиридюк, Н.П.
Subject |
Загальна теорія принципів права
Description |
У статті аналізуються наукові підходи щодо розуміння сутності принципів юридичної відповідальності. Наголошується на тому, що принципи юридичної відповідальності являють собою вихідні ідеї та засади, відображають перспективи та тенденції розвитку юридичної відповідальності.
В статье анализируются научные подходы к пониманию сущности юридической ответственности. Обращается внимание на то, что принципы юридической ответственности представляют собой исходные идеи и основы, отображают перспективы и тенденции развития юридической ответственности. The author of the article is analyzed the scientific works of scientists such as K. Basin, O. Ivanenko, V. Goncharenko, M. Kozyubra, N. Onishchenko, N. Parkhomenko, P. Rabinovich, O. Skakun who worked on the problems of principles of law and principles of legal liability. Stressed that in essential features some of the principles of legal liability as remain insufficient and determines the relevance of scientific problems. Such situation author explains as in the second half of the twentieth century legal liability accounted scientists mainly on methodological principles of positivism and normatyvism and at this stage there is the use of other theories of law, among which is essential theory of natural law, which changes the ideological foundations interpretation of legal liability. The idea that the dissemination of ideas of social naturalism is changing not only in understanding of the law, but some legal phenomena, including the principles of legal liability is justified. According to O. Kostenko, social life should be consistent with the laws of nature that are not physical or biological laws of nature, they are the laws of social nature. Such views and methodological approaches can interpret the law, its institutions and principles of modern humanistic position. Pluralistic approach taking place in contemporary literature suggests that the principles of legal liability are defined as original principles, ideas and functioning of legal liability as a condition of bringing offenders to legal liability, as the criteria for development and improvement of the institution of legal liability, as the basic principles with the direct nature of, and used to prevent violation of law and justice in the process of bringing a person to legal liability. Continuing the analysis features of understanding of the principles of legal liability, the scientist concludes that the system of principles of legal liability is necessary to distinguish two areas: social and legal, that is the system requirements of law. The principles of legal liability described as embodied in legislation the fundamental ideas that are spiritual and moral position, which express the essence, nature and purpose of the institute of responsibility. Moreover, in the legal literature indicates that in law the principles of its importance aimed at establishing trends and prospects of development of society and state. Thus, summing up the above, it seems possible to formulate some thesis which characterize the essence of the principles of legal liability: principles reflect the nature and content of legal liability, are original ideas and principles which must be based on legal liability, express the perspectives and trends in legal liability; characterize the level of development and perfection of legal liability as a legal institution, as a means of state and power of influence on society and individuals, provide in practice, common approaches and the effectiveness of legal liability. |
Date |
2014-06-09T07:31:57Z 2012 |
Type |
Identifier |
Сутність принципів юридичної відповідальності / Н.П. Свиридюк // Альманах права. — 2012. — Вип. 3. — С. 257-260. — Бібліогр.: 14 назв. — укр.
XXXX-0113 http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/63926 34.096 |
Language |
Relation |
Альманах права
Publisher |
Інститут держави і права ім. В.М. Корецького НАН України