Соціальна цінність права
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
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Title |
Соціальна цінність права
Creator |
Тарабукін, О.Ю.
Subject |
Загальна теорія принципів права
Description |
Досліджується категорія соціальної цінності права, її аспекти та детермінуючий вплив на суспільство. Розглядаються види дії права на суспільство, аналізуються наслідки правового впливу та їх результативність.
Исследуется категория социальной ценности права, ее аспекты и детерминирующее влияние на общество. Рассматриваются виды действия права на общество, анализируются последствия правового воздействия и их результативность. In this article author provides an analysis of the social value of the law. In particular, one of the main subjects of the article is the waylaw performs influence on society that goes beyond the positivist vision and requires a comprehensive study of its social value in within the axiological approach. Aim for detailed study of law as a powerful instrument of social control brought by the need to research ways to improve the efficiency of law. Author deals with the category of value of law and suggests the following interpretation as the ability to serve the purpose and an instrument to gain certain scientific and social targets, human needs and interests of citizens and their associations, an essential element of social life that allows for citizen to be himself. Within this research author provides several criterion in order to develop an appropriate inner structure of the value of law. The optimal division can be formed with the following aspects of the right values: a) as a phenomenon, the meaning of which is to realize the vision of law (the value of its own right), b) as a special social control of public relations (instrumental value), c) as an achievement of human culture (historical and cultural value). Social value of law is the main category in the axiological jurisdiction. It can be understood in two ways as an instrument of social control and as a phenomenon, which exists in the specific historical and cultural environment in close connection with anthropological characteristics of man (mind, will, psychology) and different aspects of his practice (economy, politics, religion, morals, customs). Law in this sense acts as a secondary factor that indirectly affects all processes in society, without regulator impact, but to ensure real and effective level of interaction between elements of the social system and also set social goals, formation of value priorities of all society. So, it becomes apparent that this structure requires strong and effective linking element that establishes balance and equilibrium in that system. An important aspect of social value of law is that it is a mediating link in the implementation of commodity-market institutions, governance, democracy, morality, culture, means of implementation. |
Date |
2014-06-09T07:18:41Z 2012 |
Type |
Identifier |
Соціальна цінність права / О.Ю. Тарабукін // Альманах права. — 2012. — Вип. 3. — С. 280-283. — Бібліогр.: 15 назв. — укр.
XXXX-0113 http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/63915 340.125 |
Language |
Relation |
Альманах права
Publisher |
Інститут держави і права ім. В.М. Корецького НАН України