Запис Детальніше

Визначення поняття трудової міграції

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Поле Співвідношення
Title Визначення поняття трудової міграції
Creator Кравченко, В.Г.
Subject Принципи права: питання реалізації
Description У статті проаналізовано різні наукові підходи до розуміння поняття «трудова міграція», «трудовий мігрант», а також визначення цих термінів у законодавстві зарубіжних країн та міжнародних конвенціях. Сформульовано характерні особливості трудової міграції та запропоновано авторське визначення цього явища. Запропоновано на законодавчому рівні закріпити терміни «трудова міграція» та «трудовий мігрант».
В статье проанализированы различные научные подходы к пониманию понятия «трудовая миграция», «трудовой мигрант», а также определения этих терминов в законодательстве зарубежных стран и международных конвенциях. Сформулированы характерные особенности трудовой миграции и предложено авторское определение этого явления. Предлагается на законодательном уровне закрепить термины «трудовая миграция» и «трудовой мигрант».
This article deals with the different scientific approaches to understanding the concept of «labor migration», «migrant worker» and the definition of these terms in the legislation of foreign countries and international conventions. As a rule, labor migration means movement to another country for employment. It is a special type of migration
of economic nature. In contrast to permanent migration it is typical for labor migration the preserve of the constant connection of migrant with his/her family both in personal information and economic forms. However, there is no generally accepted definition of labor migration. The concept and definition of labour migration often reflects
current national policy perspectives and varies in different countries and over time.
As the equivalent to the term «labor migration» sometimes the term «economic migration» is used. However, these two terms may include different categories. The term «labor migration» may be used only to determine the movement for employment purposes while «economic migration» can be used both in narrow sense which includes movement for employment and in general including other types of economic activity such as business. The terms «labor force migration» and «work abroad» are used as synonyms to «labor migration» in scientific discourse today. However, they are different in their contents and in essence phenomena. International instruments such as the UN and International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions use
different definitions. Most international conventions define as migrant workers only those persons who are lawfully stay and employed in another state. Illegally employed foreigners are not considered as migrant workers. Furthermore, labor migration is regulated primarily by national migration legislation. Countries have developed
various types of admission policies to meet their labour market needs and priorities. These usually distinguish among several categories of workers according to the duration of their state, their skills, and their legal status. The current tendency of labor migration in Ukraine is characterized as legal and illegal leaving of a large part of
the economically active population of the state with the aim to work abroad, transit migration to Western Europe, an increasing number of labor immigrants. However, the migration legislation of Ukraine has not defined the concept of such categories as «labor migration», «migrant worker» yet. This article formulates the typical features of labor migration: voluntary and temporality, economic motivation (unemployment, low wages), goal — employment (legal or illegal), crossing of state borders.
Despite the absence of the unified and generally accepted definitions of these phenomena the author tries to determine them. In the broad sense labor migration is the movement of a person abroad for employment purposes. In the narrower sense labor migration should be understood as the voluntary movement of persons across the state border for temporary employment. A migrant worker is a person who is engaged in paid labor activities outside his/her home state. In the article the author proposes to consolidate the terms «labor migration» and «migrant worker» into the legislation: for example, in the Labor Code of Ukraine and in the revised Law of Ukraine «On Employment of Population». It will help to provide better protection of Ukrainian citizens working abroad and improve the administrative and legal regulation of labor migration in Ukraine.
Date 2014-06-09T07:23:59Z
Type Article
Identifier Визначення поняття трудової міграції / В.Г. Кравченко // Альманах права. — 2012. — Вип. 3. — С. 375-379. — Бібліогр.: 9 назв. — укр.
Language uk
Relation Альманах права
Publisher Інститут держави і права ім. В.М. Корецького НАН України