Запис Детальніше

Соціальна цінність та призначення державної дисципліни

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Title Соціальна цінність та призначення державної дисципліни
Creator Мозолюк-Боднар, Л.М.
Subject Принципи права: питання реалізації
Description У статті розглядаються різні види функцій державної дисципліни, визначено їх поняття та особливості. Аналізуються екологічна, інформаційно-пізнавальна та обмежувальна функції державної дисципліни.
В статье рассматриваются разные виды функций государственной дисциплины, определено их понятие и особенности. Анализируются экологическая, информационно-познавательная и ограничительная функции государственной дисциплины.
Pursuant to the article the modern state modernizes and promotes the functions of state discipline. One of the modern legal science’s tasks in the context of the «state discipline» phenomenon should be understanding and theoretical development of its functions. Under state discipline functions we should understand the basic directions of influence on social relations related to the effective implementation of the basic rules, requirements, standards (content of state discipline), which manifests its social and legal purpose in society. Function of state discipline characterized by the following features: 1) they are closely associated with the state, as they partially shown and specified activities of the state, but they are much narrower than the functions of the
state, while expressing the most significant features of state discipline; 2) conditioned by the operation and activities of the State, a change to some extent may modify the content of these functions, thus, on the one hand, their dynamic is nature, the other — constant (when the battery power of one political party); 3) close communication
with the law because of certain functions of state discipline might be a rule of law.
We can select the following functions of state discipline, depending on the scope of influence on social relations: 1) general and social — economic, political, administrative, cultural, moral, ecological, informational, cognitive, restrictive and 2) legal — regulatory, security. We assume it’s necessary to consider some of these functions, including environmental, cognitive and information-restrictive, since these functions are relatively new in the context of analysis of state discipline and fairly
in accordance with current realities of today. Including compliance with state discipline in the field of ecology in the modern period is very important. As the problem of providing state discipline in the field of rational use of nature and natural resources the Ukrainian state while not fully resolved. The function of the state discipline in the field of ecology is in compliance and enforcement established by the state legal and moral standards to protect natural resources and its rational use, and determining the order of the state and public organizations and their officials in the process of national goals practical realization. Providing of state discipline in information and cognitive field is present to the subject of public relations to certain rules, requirements, standards (information) to be properly learn and implement (through active or passive behavior) to ensure the regularity and consistency of public relations. However, the receipt of this information may be from different areas of economic, political, cultural, and environmental and so on. That is why this function is a kind of «springboard» for the proper implementation of other state discipline functions. Restrictive function of the state discipline is to a certain adjustment of social relations through the regulation of different behaviors, which aims to ensure the regularity and consistency of public relations. This function is characteristic of the functions of law in general. We believe, as the state discipline is not only legal but also moral standards, therefore it is designed to ensure orderliness and efficiency of the main directions and tasks of the state in any sphere, coupled with moral and legal values. Thus, the functions of state discipline are becoming more complex and diverse, which is due, primarily, the state development and its needs.
Date 2014-06-09T07:42:16Z
Type Article
Identifier Соціальна цінність та призначення державної дисципліни / Л.М. Мозолюк-Боднар // Альманах права. — 2012. — Вип. 3. — С. 400-403. — Бібліогр.: 6 назв. — укр.
Language uk
Relation Альманах права
Publisher Інститут держави і права ім. В.М. Корецького НАН України