Принципи державного управління у сфері альтернативної енергетики України
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
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Title |
Принципи державного управління у сфері альтернативної енергетики України
Creator |
Мусієнко, Т.В.
Subject |
Принципи права: питання реалізації
Description |
У цій статті проводиться аналіз принципів управління, принципів політики у сфері альтернативних джерел енергії України. Автором показаний зв’язок принципів політики та принципів управління у сфері альтернативної енергетики, запропоновано визначення поняття «принципи управління у сфері альтернативної енергетики», а також визначено перелік принципів управління у цій сфері.
В этой статье проанализированы принципы политики в области альтернативной энергетики Украины. Показана взаимосвязь принципов политики и принципов управления в этой сфере. Предложен вариант определения «принципы управления в области альтернативной энергетики», а также выделены и сами принципы управления в этой сфере. An important factor in understanding government administration is realizing its principles. Taking into account the increasing role of renewable energy sources in the world and particularly in Ukraine, and realizing the extremely important role in the effective administration in this sphere, in our opinion, it is necessary to define the basic principles for government administration in renewable energy sector. The purpose of this paper in to analyze the principles of public administration, principles of renewable energy policy in Ukraine, but what is most important, giving the definition of the principles of public administration in renewable energy and also telling them. In this paper the author have examined different approaches to scientific definition «administrative principles», it was also proposed the definition «administrative principles in renewable energy». The author assumes that principles of public administration in renewable energy are the basic rules and ideas, objective regularity of development in renewable energy and of the acting government, which represent the most significant and the main patterns and relationships that are intended to promote this sector. The author pays attention to the principles in renewable energy policy of Ukraine given in the Renewable energy sources act because she insists on the link between the principles in renewable energy policy and the principles of public administration in renewable energy. It is said that the principles in renewable energy policy of Ukraine are the follows: principle of increasing the amount of the production and consumption of renewable energy, what will lead to reduce of Ukraine’s dependence on imports of traditional energy sources, the principle of attracting domestic and foreign investment and promoting business in the renewable energy sector including though the investigating and implementation of the national and local programs for renewable energy. Approaching to the defining the principles of public administration in renewable energy the author emphasizes on division them into general and special. To the author’s mind, the common (general) principles of public administration in renewable energy are follows: the rule of law, democracy, transparency, the principle of citizen participation in government action which guarantees citizens opportunity to be involved in public affairs and equal right to public service or service in local government, the principle of the state responsibility to the people for its activities in renewable energy which consists the necessity of publishing the work results of administration in the sphere of manufacturing, transportation and using of renewable sources and also citizen’s ability to express distrust of officials challenge the illegal actions in court and some others. Special principles are fundamental ideas in the sphere of renewable energy administration. The author defines such principles. They are follows. The principle of a flexible administration system means for each type of renewable energy source, the maximum investment promotion in the renewable energy, the principle of supporting professionals to ensure the industry, the principle of coordination of the state authorities, local authorities and businesses (especially small businesses), the principle of giving the crucial role of coordinating body in the sphere of renewable energy. Due to the fact that the administration principles in renewable energy are fundamental and basic for the whole process of this industry, the author proposes them to be fixed into the Act of renewable energy sources in the part concerning public administration and the state regulation in this sector. |
Date |
2014-06-09T07:44:29Z 2012 |
Type |
Identifier |
Принципи державного управління у сфері альтернативної енергетики України / Т.В. Мусієнко // Альманах права. — 2012. — Вип. 3. — С. 404-408. — Бібліогр.: 8 назв. — укр.
XXXX-0113 http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/63933 342.9 |
Language |
Relation |
Альманах права
Publisher |
Інститут держави і права ім. В.М. Корецького НАН України