Запис Детальніше

Теоретико-правові засади правового регулювання повної матеріальної відповідальності працівника

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Теоретико-правові засади правового регулювання повної матеріальної відповідальності працівника
Creator Поп, С.Й.
Subject Слово молодим
Description У
статті автор висвітлює проблеми правового регулювання повної матеріальної відповідальності працівника за законодавством України. Детально досліджено договір про матеріальну відповідальність як одну із
основних підстав повної матеріальної відповідальності працівника. Автором висуваються пропозиції щодо
необхідності введення нового інституту презумпції невинуватості, а також закріплення додаткової підстави для розірвання трудового договору.
В статье автор описывает проблемы правового регулирования полной материальной ответственности
работника за законодательством Украины. Детально проанализировано договор о материальной ответственности как основание полной материальной ответственности работника. Автором предлагается введения нового института презумпции невиновности, а также дополнительного основания для расторжения
трудового договора.
The author determines the problems of the legal regulation of the employee’s full material responsibility under
the Ukrainian legislation. At present labor legislation provides for two types of responsibility of employees — full and
limited. Full responsibility is not limited to any limit on damages.
The author researches an agreement on the material responsibility as a one of the main basics of the employee’s
material responsibility. Statement of financial responsibility should be seen not only as a legal fact, which binds the
legislature of responsibility in the full amount of damages, but also as a specific regulator of relations to ensure the
integrity of the property of the employer, which is run by employees in the workplace.
It should be noted that the responsibility of the employee as one of the parties of labor contract for damage caused to
the employer, following the date of its occurrence, despite calling the employee to disciplinary, administrat а prerequisite
for the conclusion of the responsibility of the employee is assigned labor contract work associated with direct service
or property values. Given the mandatory observance of the written form of agreement on employee responsibility, it
is expedient to consolidate the rule of law in nullity of the contract concluded in violation of form and content sides.
When concluding the contract under consideration is the time of its signing by the parties, which do not always
coincide with the transfer of the employee of available values in the inventory. The object of the contract are clearly
defined values of the employer, which are fixed by the employee, the integrity of which he must provide. The subject
of the contract is the relationship between the parties to ensure the integrity of the transferred employee property or
other valuables. The subjects have complex contract rights and obligations arising from the agreement on its essential terms (the
signing), and implemented from the date of transfer of property under the jurisdiction of the employee or team
and prior to termination. Before entering into an agreement on financial responsibility to ensure the rights of the
employee to carry out inspection of working conditions materially responsible persons special commission, which
should determine the level of compliance with existing requirements.
In addition to agreements on the complete individual financial responsibility of the current labor legislation provides
for the conclusion of a written agreement, the collective (Brigade) responsibility. In a joint performance in certain
types of work associated with the storage, processing, selling (dispensing), transportation or use in the production
values transmitted to them when it is impossible to separate responsibility for each employee, concluded agreements
on collective (Brigade) responsibility. Introduce collective (brigade) responsibility the owner or the authorized body in
consultation with trade union committee. According to the Model Agreement in the collective agreement (Brigade)
responsibility determined by mutual rights and obligations of the owner (authorized) body and team.
It should also talk not only about the contracting of responsibility, but the consequences of violation of their
conditions. Breach of contract, which entails the damages in full, is the failure of the integrity of transmitted values,
which should be understood in all cases to reduce the quantity or quality deterioration. Such a violation may occur
in different forms: lack of, theft, destruction and damage.
The author proposes to set a new institute of the presumption of the innocence and to establish the additional
basics of the termination of the labor agreement.
Date 2014-06-09T12:15:00Z
Type Article
Identifier Теоретико-правові засади правового регулювання повної матеріальної відповідальності працівника / С.Й. Поп // Альманах права. — 2012. — Вип. 3. — С. 509-513. — Бібліогр.: 7 назв. — укр.
Language uk
Relation Альманах права
Publisher Інститут держави і права ім. В.М. Корецького НАН України