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Оценка антропотолерантности видов рода Artemisia L., произрастающих в Украине

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Title Оценка антропотолерантности видов рода Artemisia L., произрастающих в Украине
Creator Бойко, А.В.
Description Hemerobe assessment of Artemisia L. species growing in Ukraine showed that 22 species (75,9 %) were hemerophytes and 7 species (24,1 %) were hemerophobes; 55,2% did not give preference to any of ecosystem types, but they distributed in different of them. 24 species belong to synanthropic complex of the genus, 9 of them (31 % of the whole species number) are adventive. From 15 apophytes 6 (40 %) are euapophytes, 7 (46,7 %) are hemiapophytes, and 2 (13,3 %) are spontaneophytes . Obligatory calciphytes formed non-synanthropic group – 5 species (17,2 %). Semblance of “successfull synanthrope” for Ukrainian species of Artemisia is revealed: xerophyte, glycaphyte, herbaceous with descending axis mono- or polycarpic.
Date 2014-07-06T05:37:47Z
Type Article
Identifier Оценка антропотолерантности видов рода Artemisia L., произрастающих в Украине / А.В. Бойко // Промышленная ботаника. — 2006. — Вип. 6. — С. 55-59. — Бібліогр.: 8 назв. — рос.
581.9 (477): 582.998.2
Language ru
Relation Промышленная ботаника
Publisher Донецький ботанічний сад НАН України