Физиологические особенности базидиомицетов - разрушителей хвойной древесины
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
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Title |
Физиологические особенности базидиомицетов - разрушителей хвойной древесины
Creator |
Шевкопляс, В.П.
Вовк, Н.В. Мезенцева, Т.В. Бойко, М.И. |
Description |
In this work the physiologic features and ligninolitic activity of the basidiomycetes that are the destroyers of the pinewoods have been studied. It is established that the fungi L. cyathiformis IX, when is grown for 30 days in the nutrient medium of Czapek’s (control) has a most physiological activity. It is shown that the organic addition in the mineral nutrient medium of Czapek’s decreases an ability of fungi to accumulate the biomass (0,43-0,42 mg/ml), but all fungi studied had different ability to produce extracelluar proteins in the nutrient medium. The spectrophotometry method to define ligninolitic activity of the studied basidiomycetes has been used. It is shown that the increase of the optical density (D380 D440) in the cultural liquid against control nutrient medium presupposes that lignolitic ferments in the CL are available. But the ligninolitic activity of conifer affecting is determined not only by their appertaining to certain species but also depends upon the nature of the organic addition. A new approach for determining quantitative characteristic of ligninolitic activity of basidiomicetes has been proposed.
Date |
2014-07-07T15:05:06Z 2004 |
Type |
Identifier |
Физиологические особенности базидиомицетов - разрушителей хвойной древесины / В.П. Шевкопляс, Н.В. Вовк, Т.В. Мезенцева, М.И. Бойко // Промышленная ботаника. — 2004. — Вип. 4. — С. 256-262. — Бібліогр.: 12 назв. — рос.
1728-6204 http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/66126 582.287.23:577.158:634 |
Language |
Relation |
Промышленная ботаника
Publisher |
Донецький ботанічний сад НАН України