Запис Детальніше

Влияние нитрозометилмочевины на изменчивость Phalaris canariensis

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Title Влияние нитрозометилмочевины на изменчивость Phalaris canariensis
Creator Кудина, Г.А.
Червинский, А.Ю.
Subject Интродукция растений в индустриальные регионы
Description The results of the studies of the effect of NMC on the seeds of the ornamental Canary grass are given. The inhibition of seeds , germination, increase of the energy of germination, decrease of the viability of seedlings and a lower quality of seeds of the trial plants were indicated. 0,005% NMC, the exposition of which was 8 hours stimulated the growth of plants, the concentration of which was 0,01%, during 8 hours, caused the inhibiting effect on the development of plants and their reproductive function. The forms with the good prospects as for the further selection were defined among the trial plants.
Date 2014-07-08T04:58:10Z
Type Article
Identifier Влияние нитрозометилмочевины на изменчивость Phalaris canariensis / Г.А. Кудина, А.Ю. Червинский // Промышленная ботаника. — 2003. — Вип. 3. — С. 175-177. — Бібліогр.: 10 назв. — рос.
581.15:631.524 + 528:635.931
Language ru
Relation Промышленная ботаника
Publisher Донецький ботанічний сад НАН України