Трудовий потенціал персоналу: формування та розвиток
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Переглянути архів ІнформаціяПоле | Співвідношення | |
Title |
Трудовий потенціал персоналу: формування та розвиток
Creator |
Сорока, О.В.
Бутенко, І.А. |
Subject |
Пов'язані системи
Description |
В статті розглянуто системний підхід до питань управління формуванням та розвитком трудового потенціалу персоналу за мікрорівні. З метою вдосконалення процесу оцінки та розвитку персоналу запропоновано створення на вітчизняних підприємствах Внутрішніх центрів з оцінювання та розвитку трудового потенціалу персоналу.
The article justifies the need of a systematic approach to the regulation and the personnel labor potential development at the micro-level. This actually functioning system will help to improve the competitiveness of enterprises in the dynamic market environment.The reasons of the personnel labor potential development and formation, along with the nature of their influence on the enterprise competitiveness have been considered. Among the reasons the authors suggest: scientific and technical progress, the enterprise adaptation to the ever-changing operating conditions, innovations, organizational changes, organizational development perspectives, high level of competition.Developing its own staff every organization should rely on the internal opportunities or to use outsourcing. The internal policy of the staff labor potential is based on the employees' "growing up, nurturing" and should be focused on training, retraining, qualification boost and their effective promotion.The external source of attraction, or "outsourcing», is a policy, based on external market mechanisms of getting managers who are acknowledged enough, having the skills that are required by enterprises. The authors justify the advantages of internal and external recruitment.Nowadays in the modern world as and in the future the company will be seen not only as a production center, but also as a specific economic union, with the latest and rapidly increasing workforce demands that require continuous staff educational process. The authors consider it advisable to create in domestic enterprises, companies and organizations internal assessment centers of labor potential development (IACLPD)). Such internal assessment centers of the personnel labor potential development can be as a special department, which with the help of various technologies, methods and techniques, analyzes and stores the information about the company human resources quality. These centers may be established by the HR department or as an independent link in the enterprise management system. The authors have disclosed: • the conditions of the internal assessment centers of labor potential development effective functioning; • the benefits of the internal assessment centers of labor potential development for modern enterprises. The article describes the algorithm of the internal center evaluation of personnel labor potential, providing a breakdown on the basic stages. |
Date |
2014-09-01T17:04:28Z 2012 |
Type |
Identifier |
Трудовий потенціал персоналу: формування та розвиток / О.В. Сорока, І.А. Бутенко // Економічні інновації: Зб. наук. пр. — Одеса: ІПРЕЕД НАН України, 2012. — Вип. 50. — С. 347-356. — Бібліогр.: 4 назв. — укр.
XXXX-0066 http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/67290 331:658 |
Language |
Relation |
Економічні інновації
Publisher |
Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України