Запис Детальніше

Електрохімічне відновлення вітаміну В1 на наноструктурованій поверхні нікелю

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Електрохімічне відновлення вітаміну В1 на наноструктурованій поверхні нікелю
Creator Шевченко, О.
Лут, О.
Аксіментьєва, О.
Subject Хемія
Description Вольтамперометричним методом досліджено процес eлектрохімічного відновлення
вітаміну В1 (тіамін броміду) на поверхні наноструктурованого нікелевого електрода.
З’ясовано, що інтенсивність розряду тіамін броміду на нано-структурованому
електроді значно вища, ніж на гладкому. На підставі отриманих результатів розраховано кінетичні константи процесу електровідновлення та запропоновано співвідношення, які допоможуть кількісно визначати вміст тіамін броміду в розчинах.
Ключові слова: наноструктурований електрод, тіамін бромід, вольтамперометрія .
Vitamin В1 (thiamine bromide) is a component of the ferments, which take part in the exchange of
substances flowing in live organisms and has a wide application in medical practices for medical treatment of
different nerve illnesses. Voltammetry is one of the most universal electrochemical methods for investigation
and detection of organic substances. As known voltammetry is characterized by simplicity, sensitivity, cost –
efficiency, precision, accuracy and may be recommended for development a chemosensors for qualification
analysis of vitamins and proteins in food products, biosystems, technological analysis of the run-off waters and
in the medicine industry. Many investigations of the last year is devoted to polarograph investigations of the
vitamin water solution by means of toxic mercury or expensive platinum electrodes, while electrochemical
behavior of thiamine bromide on the nanostructured electrode does not study. In the present paper the
electrochemical process of the vitamin B1 reduction on the nickel nanostructural electrode was investigated by
voltammetric method. As indicator electrodes the smooth and nanostructured nickel electrodes by similar work
area have been used. Nanostructured nickel electrode of the type “cluster – globule – surface” was fabricated in
the shape of nickel plate with deposited from one side of plate uniform nanostructured elements in the vive of
cones with height and radius of curvature near the peak of 50 nm. An area of the visible work electrode
surfaces was 0.2375·10-4 m2
. A surface concentration of elements in massive achieves 109 m-2
. As a counter
electrode a platinum wire with visible surface of 7·10-4 m2 was used. A saturated silver-chloride electrode
Ag/AgCl was used as a reference. Obtained in cyclic and linear voltammograms indicate that vitamin B1
(thiamine bromide) electrochemically reduces on both smooth and nanostructured nickel electrodes. The
electrochemical reduction of vitamin B1 on the nickel nanostructural electrode starts at the potential Е > 0,5 V
and achieves a maximum in the interval of Е = - (0,92...0,97) V.
Process of thiamine bromide electroreduction on the electrode with nanostructured surface is significantly
lighting, potential of the cathode maximum shifts on 0.1 V in positive direction as compared with smooth
nickel electrode at the same concentration of thiamine bromide in solution, which may be explained by
electrocatalytic action of nanostructured electrode surface. Existence of a single clear maximum on the cathode
branch line of potentiodynamic curves may be evidence to one step of electroreduction and suggested its one
electron character. Increasing a rate of potential sweeping is accompanied by rising of reduction current and
shifting of peak potential to the negative side which causes amplification of irreversibility of the process. As
optimal sweep rate a value of 5·10-2 V/s was chosen.
It claims that thiamine bromide has significantly higher discharge intensity on the nanostructural nickel
electrode than on the smooth one. On the basis of obtained results the kinetic parameters of thiamine bromide
reducing process were calculated. It proposed the linear equations which make it possible to quantify identification
the thiamine bromide concentration in the solution. As alternative to polarograph detection of vitamin,
we propose a voltamperometric chemosensor where nanostructured surface of nickel is used as indicator
electrode it claims that thiamine bromide has significantly higher discharge intensity on the nanostructural
nickel electrode than on the smooth one in 2-3 times and increases in the factor of tens as compared with
mercury electrode. This significantly increases a sensitivity of sensor and make it application more safe.
Key words: nanostructural electrode, thiamine bromide, voltammetry.
Вольтамперометрическим методом исследован процесс электрохимического восстановления витамина В1 (тиамин бромида) на поверхности наноструктурированного никелевого электрода. Установлено, что интенсивность разряда тиамин бромида на нано-структурированном электроде значительно выше, чем на гладком. На основе полученных результатов рассчитаны кинетические константы процесса
электровосстановления и предложены соотношения, позволяющие количественно определять содержание тиамин бромида в растворах.
Ключевые слова: наноструктурированный электрод, тиамин бромид, вольтамперометрия.
Date 2015-01-20T21:23:00Z
Type Article
Identifier Електрохімічне відновлення вітаміну В1 на наноструктурованій поверхні нікелю / О. Шевченко, О. Лут, О. Аксіментьєва // Праці Наукового товариства ім. Шевченка. — Л., 2010. — Т. XXV: Хемія і біохемія. — С. 51-59. — Бібліогр.: 13 назв. — укр.
Language uk
Relation Праці наукового товариства ім. Шевченка
Publisher Західний науковий центр НАН України і МОН України