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Erosion, permeation and outgassing performances of tin coating under/after hydrogen plasma iffadiation

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Title Erosion, permeation and outgassing performances of tin coating under/after hydrogen plasma iffadiation
Creator Glazunov, G.P.
Volkov, E.D.
Veremeyenko, V.P.
Kosik, N.A.
Kutsyn, Al.A.
Langner, J.
Langner, E.
Mironov, Yu.K.
Nazarov, N.I.
Piekoszewski, J.
Sadowski, M.
Stanislawski, J.
Tereshin, V.I.
Subject Low temperature plasma and plasma technologies
Description An erosion behavior of TiN-coated stainless-steel (SS) surfaces was investigated during biased-limiter experiments within the Uragan-3M torsatron and during simulation experiments, which were performed with plasma-accelerator and glow-discharge (GD) plasmas. For a TiN-coated SS head-plate of a limiter the arc ignition probability was found to be lower than 10-4 per plasma pulse. Possible physical mechanisms of this effect had been discussed. Within special vacuum stands, using thermal-desorption and mass-spectrometry methods, there were performed measurements of an outgassing rate and hydrogen permeability of TiNcoatings. The negligible outgassing from TiN-coated SS samples, during their heating up to 473 K, was observed after a cleaning procedure with a molecular hydrogen inflow under pressure of about 10-4 Torr, on contrary to the considerable increase of (q) rate for the irradiated samples. Measured values of the TiN-film hydrogen permeability were several times lower, and activation energy of the hydrogen permeation was considerably lower than that for the SS films (15 kJ/mole instead of 19.9 kJ/mole). The use of TiN-coated SS and diffusion membranes, for the reduction of the erosion, recycling, and hydrogen isotope inventory control, as well as for improvement of vacuum conditions, has been considered.
Date 2015-03-18T19:20:18Z
Type Article
Identifier Erosion, permeation and outgassing performances of tin coating under/after hydrogen plasma iffadiation / G.P. Glazunov, E.D. Volkov, V.P. Veremeyenko, N.A. Kosik, Al.A. Kutsyn, J. Langner, E. Langner, Yu.K. Mironov, N.I. Nazarov, J. Piekoszewski, M. Sadowski, J. Stanislawski, V.I. Tereshin // Вопросы атомной науки и техники. — 2000. — № 6. — С. 155-159. — Бібліогр.: 18 назв. — англ.
Language en
Relation Вопросы атомной науки и техники
Publisher Національний науковий центр «Харківський фізико-технічний інститут» НАН України