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Pulkovo coordinates from astrooptical observations

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Поле Співвідношення
Title Pulkovo coordinates from astrooptical observations
Creator Gorshkov, V.
Miller, N.
Naumov, V.
Prudnikova, E.
Shcherbakova, N.
Subject MS4: Positional Astronomy and Global Geodynamics
Description The longitude and latitude observations made with two zenith-telescopes and three photoelectric transit instruments of the Pulkovo Observatory during the 20th century were used for coordinates determination. The observations were rereduced in HIPPARCOS reference frame. All known astrometrical reductions and the new model of precession and nutation IAU2000A were used. The longitude (1960–2004) and the latitude (1904–2004) coordinate corrections and their trends were found. The geophysical reasons of detected long-periodical coordinate variations are discussed.
Date 2015-04-03T18:12:27Z
Type Article
Identifier Pulkovo coordinates from astrooptical observations / V. Gorshkov, N. Miller, V. Naumov, E. Prudnikova, N. Shcherbakova // Кинематика и физика небесных тел. — 2005. — Т. 21, № 5-додаток. — С. 311-315. — Бібліогр.: 3 назв. — англ.
Language en
Relation Кинематика и физика небесных тел
Publisher Головна астрономічна обсерваторія НАН України