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Штрихи до портрета голови Глухівських повітових земських зборів Василя Петровича Кочубея

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Title Штрихи до портрета голови Глухівських повітових земських зборів Василя Петровича Кочубея
Creator Реброва, Н.
Subject Розвідки
Description Досліджується внесок Василя Петровича Кочубея в боротьбу Глухівського земства
з яроутворенням у повіті.
Исследуется вклад Василия Петровича Кочубея в борьбу Глуховского земства с оврагами в уезде.
The contribution of Vasyliy Petrovych Kochubey into the struggle of Glukhiv clannishness
with the ravine formation is researched in the report . Vasyliy Petrovych Kochubey had
large landownership in Ukraine – on the territory of Chernigiv and Poltava regions. The
main land tenures in Chrnigiv province were concentrated in Glukhiv, Novgorod-Siverskiy,
Kozelets, Konotop districts. About 1896 the family of Vasyliy Petrovych Kochubey moved to
Chernigiv province and was paying great attention to the development of their estates. It can
be bravely assumed that Vasyliy Petrovych was the patriot of his lands. He used progressive
measures to improve the management. His approaches were based on the study and usage of
advanced experience . He was among of the first ones who paid attention to the afforestation
of the sands, planting of the wind-proof forest belts, struggle with the ravine formation The
convincing assessment of business skills and social position of Vasyliy Kochubey is his election
as the Chairman of Glukhiv district country council assemblies. Having become the chairman
he was eager to spread his positive progressive experience in the district.
On the 30th of September in 1897 on Glukhiv district country councilassemblies Vasiyliy
Petrovych made a report «About the necessity to discuss the issue about measures against
ravines within Glukhiv district». It is worth of saying that it was the first thorough comprehensive study the issue of struggle
with the ravine formation in our area. Vasyliy Petrovych had put the basis for solving this problem .
Date 2015-06-12T13:53:52Z
Type Article
Identifier Штрихи до портрета голови Глухівських повітових земських зборів Василя Петровича Кочубея / Н. Реброва // Сiверянський лiтопис. — 2015. — № 1. — С. 117-120. — Бібліогр.: 4 назв. — укр.
94 (477):061.2 – 05 «18»
Language uk
Relation Сiверянський лiтопис
Publisher Інститут української археографії та джерелознавства ім. М.С. Грушевського НАН України