Запис Детальніше

Culturological principles of development of education in Kievan Rus

Институционный репозиторий Киевского университета имени Бориса Гринченко

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Relation http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/6855/
Title Culturological principles of development of education in Kievan Rus
Культурологічні засади розвитку освіти у Київській Русі
Культурологические основы развития образования в Киевской Руси
Creator Галицька, Майя Михайлівна
Subject Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Description The article refer to Kievan Rus, since it was an important link in the formation of modern Ukrainian state. Kievan
Rus IX covers the period from 40-ies XIII. The state was an historically important, the contact area between the Arab
East and Western Europe, Byzantium and Scandinavia. This led to its rapid entry into the European historical and
cultural community.
Kievan Rus was a kind of center of Slavic culture. Literary and archaeological sources confirm the existence of the
Eastern Slavs writing prior to the adoption of Christianity. The penetration of Christianity in Russia resulted in the
emergence of the Eastern Slavs writing, which required state and church. This script was called “Cyrillic”.
Development of Education in Kievan Rus was based on their own traditions and using ancient Bulgarian-Byzantine school experience. In addition, the adoption of Christianity in its Eastern Orthodox variant facilitated the spread of literacy, as opposed to Catholic worship in the Orthodox church held their own language.
The establishment of schools and distributing literature were associated with social and cultural requirements of
the ancient society.
Through cultural ties with Byzantium, in Rus are becoming popular such disciplines, as philosophy, dialectic, grammar.
The article stated that the methodological aspects of understanding the role of culture lies in creating an effective education system in the event of fruitful pedagogical ideas Thus, during the Kyivan Rus culture and education reached a high level and could compete with Byzantium and many European countries. The author concludes that the formation of Kievan Rus has the following features:
– cultural principles;
– openness to the world (active absorbing, loans and advances and the use of the knowledge of other nations);
– despite the dominant church educational environment characterized by a secular education component;
– finally and the most importantly in our opinion - clearly seen European orientation and attachment to Christian values.
У статті розкрито роль християнізації Русі у становленні писемної та книжної справи; проаналізовано взаємозв’язки освітніх традицій Київської Русі з іншими народами; досліджено розвиток наукових пізнань у межах духовної культури Київської Русі; показано вплив культури Київської Русі на освітні процеси.
В статье раскрыта роль христианизации Руси в становлении письменной и книжной дела; проанализированы взаимосвязи образовательных традиций Киевской Руси с другими народами; исследовано развитие научных знаний в рамках духовной культуры Киевской Руси; показано влияние культуры Киевской Руси на
образовательные процессы.
Publisher ВП "Едельвейс"
Date 2014
Type Стаття
Format text
Language uk
Identifier http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/6855/7/M_Halytska_NPOTP_NDLO.pdf
Галицька, Майя Михайлівна (2014) Культурологічні засади розвитку освіти у Київській Русі Неперервна професійна освіта: теорія і практика (3-4). с. 117-121. ISSN 1609-8595