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Процеси інтеграції у мистецтві: соціальний аспект

Институционный репозиторий Киевского университета имени Бориса Гринченко

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Relation http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/11622/
Title Процеси інтеграції у мистецтві: соціальний аспект
Процессы интеграции в искусстве: социальный аспект
The process of integration in the arts: social aspect
Creator Каблова, Тетяна Борисівна
Subject Index Copernicus
Description Стаття присвячена питанням інтегративності мистецтва в соціальному аспекті. Розглядаються музичні твори, інспіровані образотворчим мистецтвом. Наведено специфіку і типологію таких творів, визначено їх соціальну зумовленість
Статья посвящена вопросам интегративности искусства в социальном аспекте. Рассматриваются музыкальные произведения, инспирированные изобразительным искусством. Приведена специфику и типология таких
произведений, определена их социальная обусловленность.
Social reality affects all forms of human activity. Social and ideological trends, tastes of different ages, patterns of behavior, kinds of emotional reactions have historically specific social and cultural character. In this context various forms of art appear as different aspects of the phenomenon of art. They exist throughout the sociocultural, historical continuum
and have various forms according to the development of mankind in general. Historically, the changes of the aesthetic
needs of society led to the changing in the kinds of art that showed the social and artistic needs of the period.
The concepts of art and elements of art have a significant theoretical potential for this issue. These conceptions
are considered in the socio-cultural context in scientific works of such researchers as O. Burlina, O. Vasylyev, A. Zis, N.
Kashyna, R. Moskvina, I. Pal. The fundamental links between culture’s development and process of formation of new
genres, characterized by the influence of other kinds of art, are found out in the researches of S. Avyerintsev, B. Asafiev,
M.Bahtin, O. Sohor, Yu. Tynyanov, M. Kahan, B.Propp, O. Freydenberh.
The scientific works of A. Bakushynska, P. Blonska, J. Borev, O. Kabakov, O. Losev, Y. Lotman, B. Likhachev,
O. Nemkovych, S. Rappoport, V. Redya, L. Savyenkova, M. Severynova, L. Stolovich, M. Taboridze, Shevchenko, B.
Yusovis are devoted to the issues of integration in the cultural and art perspective:. The role of social influence on integrative
processes in art has not showed in in the scientific literature properly. So it causes the the relevance of the topic.
Each period of history leads to the fact that people have their own variant of behavior. Their range of activities is
a reflection of the social situation of the nation. Art implicitly includes the socialization factor, linking it with the society
where we can see the concentration of human relationship with the world and its influence human behavior.
In this case, an important factor becomes the lack of limits of individual sovereignty. At the same time we can see
that the person gets acquainted with aesthetic and artistic values through the self-development and spiritual enrichment.
Arts are generated by spiritual atmosphere of an era. It stipulates that between the works of different kinds of
arts which are belonged to the single space-time continuum, we can see some analogies and integration processes.
The unity of any artistic cultures can be showed in a closeness, connections of the specific musical and scenic
things. The integration of these arts can demonstrate closer and organic character.
The problem of integrating the arts is one of the most difficult in theoretical researches in Arts. Tendency of uniting
of arts and their mutual influence on each other are caused by the phenomena of social life and various forms of social
consciousness. During the evolution and in the process of differentiation and acquisition of the specific features, updating
means of expression, the kinds of art have never been isolated from each other and have always been
interconnected, basing on a single cultural-historical process.
Publisher НАКККіМ; К.: Міленіум
Date 2015-12-11
Type Стаття
Format text
Language uk
Identifier http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/11622/1/Visnyk_4_2015.pdf
Каблова, Тетяна Борисівна (2015) Процеси інтеграції у мистецтві: соціальний аспект Вісник Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв: наук. журнал.. с. 9-13. ISSN 2226-3209