Запис Детальніше

Forming Agro industries Clusters for Reaching Competitiveness of Ukrainian Agroindustrial Sector

Репозиторій ВНАУ

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Title Forming Agro industries Clusters for Reaching Competitiveness of Ukrainian Agroindustrial Sector
Creator Zadoroznna Larisa
Subject Статті
2014 р./ Публікації співробітників у виданнях інших установ/
Description This article deals with the theoretical principles of forming the Agro Industries clusters in the context of the innovative aspect. The ways of creating the Agro Industries clusters are described. Advantages of forming clusters and possibility of the cluster approach in the organization and management Agro Industries operations are considered.
Date 2014-09-24
Identifier http://repository.vsau.org/getfile/9176
Language uk_UA
Relation http://repository.vsau.org/card.php?id=9176