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Advertising in tourism and leisure

Репозиторій ВНАУ

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Поле Співвідношення
Title Advertising in tourism and leisure
Creator Voloshyna O.V.
Marach G.A.
Subject Тези доповідей
2015 р./ Публікації співробітників у виданнях інших установ/
Description Advertising bombards us every day – from commercials on television and radio, to advertising on buses and billboards, in magazines and on the Internet – and there is an increasing amount of advertising masquerading as something else – on television travel shows, in the latest blockbuster movie and on children’s toys and clothes.
Date 2015-04-25
Identifier http://repository.vsau.org/getfile/9264
Language uk_UA
Relation http://repository.vsau.org/card.php?id=9264