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Семіотичні аспекти логіки Степана Балея

Електронний науковий архів Науково-технічної бібліотеки Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

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Title Семіотичні аспекти логіки Степана Балея
The semiotic aspects of Stepan Bailey’s logic
Creator Гончаренко, Ольга
Subject істинність
семіотичний аналіз понять
semiotic analysis concepts
Description Виявлено, що теоретико-методологічним підґрунтям логіки Балея є семіотична
концепція філософії його вчителя – Казимежа Твардовського. Показано, що від
Твардовськго Балей перейняв теорію знаку та метод семіотичного аналізу понять.
Наведено приклад застосування Балеєм методу семіотичного аналізу понять у
вирішенні проблеми особистості. In the Bailey’s work “About the performance and results”, a Kazimierz Twardowsky outlines a theory of symbol and meaning. Semiotic conception of Twardowsky philosophy has got a so kind of development in the works of his Ukrainian student – Stephan Balei. A sign system plays an essential role in the Balei’s logic, which can be treated as an extension of semiotic exploration of his teacher. Indicative in this respect is the work “The Logic Outline”. Bailey finds the notion of truth to be the subject of logic. The task of logic is to study the conditions, and the process of keeping these conditions leads a person to the true knowledge. The truth, according to Bailey, is a sign of judgment, the immediate reality of which is a language. The sentence is an external sign of judgment, and its actuality means the actuality of statement
expressed by this sentence. Bailey defines an imagination as the basis of judgment.
Bailey is a supporter of the idea of a common objects imagination existence. The general
idea is specific while reflecting essential and non-essential features of an object, and is abstract while reflecting abstraction only by the essential features of the subject. General notions are important in human life because through them we can make judgments pointing at not only one subject but also at a group of objects. The general ideas through abstraction create conceptual apparatus of science. The scientist believes that the content of opinions exist with the act, which claims it. Therefore, the essence of judgment is shown in the fact of its existence. Thus, the theoretical foundation of Balei logic is correlation concept and objective judgment with their linguistic reality based on the theory of Twardowski signs. Baley’s understanding of a notion as an abstract idea, the definition of which is carried out by the method of semiotic analysis is a continuation of the Twardowsky ideas of philosophy semiotic conception. The development of
Twardowskyi semiotics in “The Logic Essays” Baley is considered to be as a contribution to the theory of Ukrainian scientist logical understanding reality.
Date 2015-02-09T13:33:47Z
Type Article
Identifier Гончаренко О. Семіотичні аспекти логіки Степана Балея / Ольга Гончаренко // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". – 2014. – № 780 : Філософські науки. – С. 81–87. – Бібліографія: 10 назв.
Language ua
Publisher Видавництво Львівської політехніки