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Морфологічна структура кодів і субкодів у творах О. К. Глушка

Цифровий архів НаУОА

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Relation http://eprints.oa.edu.ua/4393/
Title Морфологічна структура кодів і субкодів у творах О. К. Глушка
Creator Щербак, О. (O. Shcherbak)
Subject Literary criticism. Literary research
Description У статті з’ясовано сутність понять «код» та «субкод», визначено їхню роль у семіотичній системі роману
«Кінбурн» та збірки оповідань «Маслиновий гай» О. К. Глушка, а також описано морфологічну структуру кодів і
субкодів з огляду на частиномовне вираження їхніх ключових знаків.
(In article definitions of the concepts «code» and «subcode» are given, the fact that the subcode is semantic type of a
code is proved, their role in the semiotic system of the novel «Kinburn» and the collection of stories «Olive Grove» by O. K. Glushko is established. The author does the semiotics analysis on the basis of classification by R. Bart, who allocated five types of codes – germenevtic, semic, symbolical, actional and cultural.
The author proves that former works were devoted to research of semantics of cultural codes. Therefore now the science
feels need of research of their morphological structure. For the solution of this question the mechanism of creation of
morphological models is offered. For the first, we have to define a key sign in structure of a code, for the second, to establish its belonging to a certain part of speech, for the third, to establish functions of a sign and a code in general.
The research showed that the morphological structure of all types of codes is the non-uniform. The structure of a code can consist of one, two, three and more signs, but key there is only one.
The basis the germenevtic codes is formed by verbs. They cause execution of such functions as interpretation, specification, informatization, characteristic. The structure the semic of codes is formed by means of nouns and adjectives. These parts of
speech cause such functions as nomination, specification, background, specification, qualification, identification, instruction, socialization, image, characteristic, stylization, specification, expressivity and others. The structure of symbolical codes is formed by means of nouns, which carry out functions of a representation, specifications and characteristics. The models of the
actional of codes are constructed by means of verbs, which carry out such functions as expression of actions and conditions of heroes of works. The models of cultural codes have nouns. They can be grouped on 9 groups of subcodes – natural, subject, anthropic, somatic, animal, vegetable, architectural, spiritual, food.)
Publisher Видавництво Національного університету “Острозька академія”
Date 2015
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Language uk
Identifier http://eprints.oa.edu.ua/4393/1/103.pdf
Щербак, О. (O. Shcherbak) (2015) Морфологічна структура кодів і субкодів у творах О. К. Глушка. Наукові записки Національного університету “Острозька академія”. Серія «Філологічна» (Вип.53). pp. 274-277.