Запис Детальніше

Глютонічний дискурс: перекладацький аспект

Цифровий архів НаУОА

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Relation http://eprints.oa.edu.ua/4457/
Title Глютонічний дискурс: перекладацький аспект
Creator Державецька, І. (I. Derzavetska)
Subject Linguistics. Philology
Description Статтю присвячено дослідженню особливостей перекладу глютонічної лексики, класифікації способів її перекладу, а саме, транскодування, калькування, описовий переклад. Також досліджуються перекладацькі трансформації на матеріалі порівняння перекладу мовних одиниць у глютонічному дискурсі.
(The development of globalization has led to influence of both different peoples and cultures on the formation of food preferences and national cuisine. While translating gluttonic lexis there appear a number of problems, including those which are related to the lexical and grammatical structure of the language.
The features of translating of gluttonic vocabulary have hardly been studied in modern linguistics. A couple of scientists such as Y. Bakhmat, M. Undrintsova have taken part in the research of gluttonic discourse.
In modern linguistics there are various classification methods of translation. Some scientists propose to allocate symbolic and semantic translation methods. Others propose to allocate such methods of translation: transcoding, loan and descriptive translation.
If the translator cannot translate using traditional methods, he has to transform. Translation transformations arise due to the difference between the original language and the target language, as in our study, between the English and Ukrainian languages. For example, the English language is a typical use of articles, direct word order and so on.
In modern linguistics there are a lot of various classifications of transformations, such as lexical, grammatical and mixed.
In the analyzed texts grammar and mixed transformations are often used. This is due to the fact that the vocabulary to
describe certain foods has already been established and rooted in the dictionary, hence the translation is almost seamless. However, we note that there exist some cases of use of transformations adding and removing. Instead grammatical transformations are used in almost every text, they are: transposition of words, specification, generalization, replacement and others.
The study has showed that the main methods of translation are loan, equivalent and descriptive translation. If it is impossible to translate gluttonic lexis with the help of these methods, the translator should use lexical, grammatical and mixed transformations.)
Publisher Видавництво Національного університету “Острозька академія”
Date 2015
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Language uk
Identifier http://eprints.oa.edu.ua/4457/1/33.pdf
Державецька, І. (I. Derzavetska) (2015) Глютонічний дискурс: перекладацький аспект. Наукові записки Національного університету “Острозька академія”. Серія «Філологічна» (Вип.52). pp. 93-96.