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Наукові журнали Тернопільського державного медичного університету імені І.Я.Горбачевського

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Creator Shmatenko, V. V.; Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil
Description STUDY OF THE PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ANTIMICROBIAL OINTMENT WITH ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND ANESTHETIC ACTIONV. V. ShmatenkoUkrainian Military Medical Academy, KyivIntroduction. Technological and physico-chemical studies proved that the colloid stability, thermal stability and pH antimicrobial ointment "Oflinim" with anti-inflammatory and anesthetic action to meet the requirements of this dosage form. It was established that during the entire period of storage under different conditions not there is a change of technological and physical-chemical parameters of ointment. Structural and mechanical studies have shown that consistency ointment developed "Oflinim" satisfactory since curves of shear stress completely fit into the range for optimum rheological hydrophilic ointment. Determination of rheological properties ointment indicate that it belongs to the structured systems has tixotropic properties, which makes good consumer (lightness and ease of application) and technological (in prepackaging) properties.Investigation methods. Technological and physical-chemical indicators ointment was determined by conventional methods.Thermostability was determined visually, if not observed any tube bundle, the sample was considered stable.To determine the colloidal stability of test tubes filled with 2/3 volume (approximately 9 g) researched and centrifuged for 5 minutes. Samples were considered stable if after centrifugation was observed in vitro bundle. If the second test showed at least one tube of the bundle, the sample was considered unstable.The pH of the samples was determined by the method potentiometrically State Pharmacopeia of Ukraine.To predict the technological consumer properties ointment "Oflinim" examined its rheological characteristics. research conducted using rotational viscometer "Reotest 2" (Germany) for the conventional method. The measurements were carried out at different temperatures at shear rates from 1,5 to 1332 s-1. In studying the rheological properties of the ointment "Oflinim" used as a control placebo ointment.Results and discussion. The research results indicate ointment "Oflinim" is a homogeneous mass viscous consistency whitish-transparent odorless.Study of pH 5% aqueous creams showed that depending on the series pH value is between 4 - 6.5 which is optimal for use in surgical practice.The pH of the samples at different storage temperatures, namely 8 - 12 °C and 20 - 25 °C throughout the storage period (24 months) had no significant deviations in relation to the freshly made.Our studies showed that all series are ointments and heat-colloidal.To assess consumer properties ointment "Oflinim" studied its structural and mechanical properties at different temperatures.According to the research found that active pharmaceutical ingredients not significantly affect the structural and mechanical properties of the ointment "Oflinim."With the aim of a full and objective evaluation of technological properties of the ointment "Oflinim" (including namaschuvanist) built rheogram limited flow. Found that namaschuvanist prototype ointment satisfactory because yield curves do not go beyond the rheological optimum.Conclusions. 1. Determined that the technological, physical, chemical and biological parameters (colloidal and thermal stability, pH, ability to smears) antimicrobial ointment "Oflinim" with anti-inflammatory and anesthetic action meets modern requirements for this dosage form.2. Еstablished that during the entire shelf life (27 months) at 2 - 8 ° C and 15 - 25° C not there is a change of technological and physical-chemical parameters of ointment.3. The experimental results can be used as the certification of product characteristics in industrial production. References1. Galimov O. V. Biokhimicheskiye mekhanizmy zazhivleniya ran / O. V. Gadimov, S. R. Tuysin, T. Z. Zakiyev i dr. // Bashkirskiy khim. zhurn. - 2008. - № 3. - S. 82-84.2. Dopomнzhni rechovini ta ykh zastosuvannya v tekhnologiiy likarskikh form: dovidkoviy posibnik / F. Zhoglo, V. Voznyak, V. 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Publisher Тернопільський державний медичний університет ім. І.Я. Горбачевського
Date 2016-04-07
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Identifier http://ojs.tdmu.edu.ua/index.php/pharm-chas/article/view/6049
Source Pharmaceutical Review; № 1 (2016)
Фармацевтичний часопис; № 1 (2016)
Language ukr
Relation http://ojs.tdmu.edu.ua/index.php/pharm-chas/article/view/6049/5542
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