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Наукові журнали Тернопільського державного медичного університету імені І.Я.Горбачевського

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Creator Marchyshyn, S. M.; Тернопільський державний медичний університет, Тернопіль
Zarichanska, O. V.
Cholach, S. Yu.
Description INVESTIGATION OF ACUTE TOXICITY AND NEUROTROPIC PROPERTIES OF THE FLOWERS' DENSE EXTRACTS OF TAWNY DAYLILY (HEMEROCALLIS FULVA L.) AND HYBRID DAYLILY (HEMEROCALLIS HYBRIDA VAR. «STELLA DE ORO»)S. M. Marchyshyn1, O. V. Zarichanska2, S. Yu. Cholach1I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University1Vinnytsia National Memorial Medical University by M. I. Pyrohov2Introduction.  In modern conditions almost no one person is able to avoid stressful situations that lead to manifestations of functional disorders of the central nervous system - neuroses. Anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances and disorder of emotional sphere due to the prevalence among the population gain significant measures. In accordance with the urgency of the problem, the search for safety and effective remedies for correction of mild neurosis’ manifestations among the preparations of plant origin is promising. From the literature sources, it is known that preparations from flowers of Daylily genus plants (Hemerocallis L.) show effects on the nervous system and are used in traditional medicine in China, Japan and North America for the treatment of depression, insomnia and other psycho-emotional disorders. Previously we performed a comprehensive phytochemical study of plant raw materials of two species of daylilies – tawny daylily (Hemerocallis fulva L.) and hybrid daylily (Hemerocallis hybrida var. “Stella De Oro”). Analysis of quantitative composition and qualitative content of biologically active substances of two investigated daylilies’ species demonstrates the appropriateness of the creation of phytosubstances on their base and investigation of phytosubstances’ pharmacological properties. The purpose of these studies was to determine the safety of thick extracts from flowers of tawny daylily and hybrid daylily, to establish the influence of extracts on behavioral responses and emotional state, depressive behavior and physical endurance of laboratory mice.Investigation methods. The investigation was conducted on 48 male white nonlinear mice weighing 18-25 grams, which were divided into 8 groups (n = 6): Group 1 – intact control; 2-5 groups – animals, injected with thick extracts from flowers of tawny daylily and hybrid daylily variety “Stella De Oro” in the form of aqueous solutions intragastric at doses 100 and 250 mg / kg. 6-7 comparison groups received medication according to the behavioral model: imipramine (solution for injection “Melipramine”, Egis, Hungary) 25 mg / kg (for Porsolt’s test of antidepressant activity); 2-etyltiobenzimidazole hydrobromide – the active component of actoprotective drugs “Bemityl” and “Metaprot” at dose 50 mg / kg (for test of actoprotective effect). To determine the effect of daylilies flowers’ extracts on behavioral responses and emotional state of intact animals common open field test was used without medicinal preparation’s control.Results and discussions. Investigation of acute toxicity has shown safety of both extracts samples – at dose 5000 mg / kg these substances did not cause any symptoms of poisoning. In open field behavioral test extract from tawny daylily’s flowers in dose 100 mg / kg shown pronounce stimulating effect; extract from hybrid daylily’s flowers in dose 250 mg / kg elucidated sedative activity. In behavioral despair’s test with immobilization the extract of hybrid daylily’s flowers in dose of 250 mg / kg shown distinct antidepressant properties, which are close to the level of activity of tricyclic antidepressant imipramine.Tawny daylily and hybrid daylily flowers’ extracts at both investigated doses had no effect on physical endurance of mice in the forced swim test with a load, whereas reference-medication shown expressive actoprotective effect.Conclusions. The acute toxicity of the dense extracts from flowers of tawny daylily and hybrid daylily of “Stella De Oro” variant has been determined for the first time; the investigated substances were assigned to the 5th classof substances’ toxicity according to the classification of Hodge and Sterner (practically non-toxic substances – LD50 > 5000 mg/kg). The effect of investigated extracts on behavioral reactions and emotional condition, depressive behavior and physical endurance of laboratory mice has been defined using behavioral tests. Diverse and expressive influence of investigated thick extracts on central nervous system and physical endurance of laboratory mice has been elucidated.ReferencesAzymova Yu. E. Depresiya i yiyi somatychni proyavy / Yu. E. Azymova, G. R. Tabyeyeva // Lechashhyj vrach. – 2009. – [Elektronyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.lvrach.ru/2009/09/10637387/Akimova M. S. 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Publisher Тернопільський державний медичний університет ім. І.Я. Горбачевського
Date 2016-04-07
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Identifier http://ojs.tdmu.edu.ua/index.php/pharm-chas/article/view/6056
Source Pharmaceutical Review; № 1 (2016)
Фармацевтичний часопис; № 1 (2016)
Language ukr
Relation http://ojs.tdmu.edu.ua/index.php/pharm-chas/article/view/6056/5549
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