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Михайло Грушевський та Олекса Новицький у формуванні українських інтелектуальних мереж

Институционный репозиторий Киевского университета имени Бориса Гринченко

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Relation http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/18709/
Title Михайло Грушевський та Олекса Новицький у формуванні українських інтелектуальних мереж
Mykhailo Hrushevskyi and Oleksa Novytskyi’s participation in formation of ukrainian intelligent networks
Михаил Грушевский и Алексей Новицкий в формировании украинских интеллектуальных сетей
Creator Бонь, Олександр Іванович
Subject Збірники наукових праць
Description У статті досліджується, як українські науковці Михайло Грушевський та Олекса Новицький на початку ХХ століття створювали інтелектуальні мережі. В орбіту цих мереж були включені вчені НТШ, українці Москви і Петербурга, колекціонери. Це дозволило віднайти і оприлюднити значну кількість творів Кобзаря, провести шевченківські виставки в Москві. Важливим наслідком співпраці вчених і громадських діячів стала активізація українського культурного життя
у Москві і Петербурзі.
The Ukrainians public and scientifi c life in the early 20th century, despite the constant pressure of the Russian Empire, was various enough. This is due to the interpersonal relations between Ukrainian scientists on both sides of  the Russian-Austrian border. Among those who formed such intelligent networks and cultural field were future academicians of NAS of Ukraine, Hrushevskyi and Oleksa Novitskyi. The source for the studying of their relationship is the  correspondence, which is kept in  the family archives of  the Hrushevskyis in  the
Central State Historical Archive in Kyiv.
Intelligent Networks are investigated using the  following structure: ideology, organization, interpersonal
contacts. Oleksa Novytskyi and Mykhailo Hrushevsky’s correspondence made it possible to activate the search
and subsequent exhibition of  Taras Shevchenko art works. In the  orbit of  this network the  researchers
of  Shevchenko Scientifi c Society, the  Ukrainians in  Moscow and St. Petersburg, collectors were included.
This made it  possible to  Oleksa Novytskyi to  conduct Shevchenko exhibition in  Moscow, to  publish the  fi rst
monograph on  the poet’s artistic legacy “Taras Shevchenko as  a  painter.” Mykola Biliashivskyi, Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, Ahatanhel Krymskyi and other famous scientists helped Oleksa Novytskyi to collect the materials about Shevchenko. The collector K. Tsvitkovskyi in  1860 handed a  copy of  “Kobzar” with  handwritten Shevchenko corrections that were not included in the editions of 1907 and 1908s.
Oleksa Novytskyi has repeatedly collaborated with  Mykhailo Hrushevskyi within scientifi c societies. Oleksa
Novytskyi published their researches in  journals of  Shevchenko Scientifi c Society, with  the  assistance
of  Mykhailo Hrushevskyi. The two scientists also worked within the  Ukrainian Scientifi c Society that was
established by Hrushevskyi in Kyiv. Oleksa Novytskyi was elected as a member of both academic institutions
for his contribution to Ukrainian science. The article noted that Mykhailo Hrushevskyi invited Oleksa Novytskyi
to cooperate in the journal “Ukraine”.
An important consequence of  the work of  the Ukrainian scientist’s network and public offi cials was
the intensifi cation of Ukrainian community in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Oleksa Novytskyi participated in the
creation of the Society of Slavic Culture in Moscow. However, the Ukrainian section of the Company was not
active. Although there were such signifi cant fi gures as K. Tsvitkovskyi, B. Kistiakivskyi, V. Vernadskyi, A. Krumskyi
and M. Yanchuk. F. Korch, and Oleksa Novytskyi corresponded actively with  Hrushevskyi about it. Oleksa
Novytskyi’s subsection, organized with his eff orts, included scientifi c academician F. Korsch, B. Kistiakivskyi,
M. Yanchuk, S. Khvostov, M. Filianskyi, O. Salikovskyi, S. Petliura. Organized eff orts informed M. Hrushevskyi
and M. Bilyashivskyi about these events. Oleksa Novytskyi was chosen as the head of subsection and S. Petliura
was chosen as  its secretary. However, due to  the workload of  scientifi c and social work of  members of  the subsection, it could not expand their activity.
Another structure of the Ukrainian community in Moscow, created by using active intelligence ties of Oleksa
Novytskyi’s and other figures, was the circle “Kobzar”. Society managed to get permission in Moscow to stage
the opera “Zaporozhets beyond the Danube” on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater for the first time. A good
project that joined the forces of the Ukrainians in Moscow, Kyiv, Lviv, St. Petersburg was a monthly journal
“Ukrainian Life”. Here Oleksa Novytskyi worked with Mykhailo Hrushevskyi. The decision of the publishing
of the journal in Russian was adopted in October 1911 at the meeting of the Ukrainian section of the Society
of Slavic culture.
Therefore, Mykhailo Hrushevskyi and Oleksa Novytskyi cooperation in the early 20th century led to the expanding
of Ukrainian intelligent networks and strengthening of the Ukrainian national identity. In the orbit of these
networks Ukrainian scientists in Lviv, Kyiv, Moscow and St. Petersburg and collectors were included. It allowed
fi nding and publishing a signifi cant number of works of Kobzar, to hold Shevchenko exhibitions in Russia and
to publish a signifi cant number of Ukrainian studies. An important result of cooperation of Ukrainian scientists
became the intensifi cation of Ukrainian public activities in Moscow.
В статье исследуется, как украинские учёные Михаил Грушевский и Алексей Новицкий в  начале
ХХ столетия создавали интеллектуальные сети. В  орбиту этих сетей были включены учёные НТШ, украинцы Москвы и Петербурга, коллекционеры. Это позволило разыскать и обнародовать значительное количество произведений Кобзаря, провести шевченковские выставки в  Москве.
Важным следствием сотрудничества ученых и общественных деятелей стала активизация украинской культурной жизни в Москве и Петербурге.
Publisher Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка
Date 2016
Type Стаття
Format text
Language uk
Identifier http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/18709/1/O_Bon_KIS_2_2016_IFF.pdf
Бонь, Олександр Іванович (2016) Михайло Грушевський та Олекса Новицький у формуванні українських інтелектуальних мереж Київські історичні студії (2). с. 27-33. ISSN 2524-2749