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The impact of corruption as a form of counteraction to investigation of crimes related to violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles
Коррупционное влияние как форма противодействия расследованию преступлений, связанных с нарушением правил дорожного движения и эксплуатации транспортных средств
Creator Якимчук, Роман Валерійович; Національна академія внутрішніх справ
Subject противодействие; коррупционное влияние; уголовные правонарушения; расследование

протидія; корупційний вплив; кримінальні правопорушення; розслідування
343.985 (045)
resistance; impact corruption; criminal offenses investigation

Description Стаття присвячена висвітленню проблем корупційного впливу як форми протидії розслідуванню кримінальних правопорушень, пов′язаних із порушенням правил дорожнього руху та експлуатації транспортних засобів. Автором наведено способи та прийоми вчинення даної протидії.
The article is devoted to coverage of the impact of corruption as a form of counter investigation of criminal offenses. The author shows ways and methods of committing resistance. Furthermore, the article identified some ways to overcome corruption impact on crime investigation. Formulation of the problem. European choice requires our country to fulfill a number of tasks, one of which is the rule of law. A key role in this task plays the police who is the guarantor of the rights and freedoms of citizens. One of the functions of law enforcement agencies, including the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine, is a complete, thorough and impartial investigation of criminal offenses is one of the main conditions of the rule of law. Corruption counteraction investigation is one of the obstacles to the integration of Ukraine into the European space.At the same time, the criminal legislation of Ukraine contains multiple definitions of improper advantage, considering which we propose to unify these concepts by amending the Article 160 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Thus, there is an opportunity to unify these determining undue advantage for all Criminal Code of Ukraine (without taking account of the drawbacks of the legislative technique). However, in order to deal with this issue further, the Parliament of Ukraine should adopt a law that will eliminate differences in the existing definitions of improper advantage in the Criminal Code of Ukraine and carry out unification of this notion for all anti-corruption legislation. Presenting main material. The problem of counteraction to investigation recently gained special relevance and urgency. This is primarily due to the scale of organized crime, corrupt employees of power structures and law enforcement. Earlier the opposition investigation considered mainly as various forms and methods of concealment of crimes. Today, opposition to the investigation can be defined as a deliberate work to obstruct the truth in a criminal case. Dangerous forms of counteraction to investigation is corrupt. This corruption undermines the principles on which are based investigation of criminal offenses, such as rule of law, legality, secret communication, the presumption of innocence and providing proof of guilt. In this case, corruption is manifested in various forms: bribery of law enforcement officers; officials in the investigation of abuse and so on. It should be noted that the level and extent of corruption in the country, the effectiveness of combating corruption process largely depends on the integrity of law enforcement bodies, legality of their decisions and the process of disclosure, investigate and prevent criminal offenses in particular. Corruption involves the systematic bribery of officials of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities, public and political figures, which entails making decisions that violate the law or the unwritten social rules and their implementation often for criminal organizations, leading to a dependence on these structures. Criminals often use corrupt law enforcement officials to deal with the investigation. This can be used such techniques as: - The disclosure of information to interested parties pre-trial investigation; - Elimination of investigation "difficile" employees; - Giving direct instructions to the investigator about the need to close criminal proceedings (usually orally, combined with threats of service in the event of trouble and official promises of growth in the case of approval); - Unjustified reclamation of the criminal proceedings to test connected to the subsequent provision of written guidance on a number of investigative (detective) and other actions, the implementation of which is firstly unnecessary and, second, or technically impossible or significantly obstructed, leading, at least, to delaying the preliminary investigation. Conclusions. Corruption impact on the quality of investigation of crimes in the law enforcement agencies of concern society as defeat this phenomenon mostly affects the observance of the rule of law in the country. Today, there are quite a number of controversial, different in scope and content definitions combating corruption investigation. However, despite some of the differences (in determining the form of the act, subjective attitude of people to their actions, their compliance with the law, commit time, the circle of counter) they coincide in main aim counter - creating obstacles to the achievement of the main goal of the investigation - the establishment truth.  R. Yakimchuk Corruption impact as a form of counteraction to investigation of crimes related to violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles The article is devoted to coverage of the impact of corruption as a form of counter investigation of criminal offenses. The author shows ways and methods of committing resistance. Furthermore, the article identified some ways to overcome corruption impact on crime investigation. Formulation of the problem. European choice requires our country to fulfill a number of tasks, one of which is the rule of law. A key role in this task plays the police who is the guarantor of the rights and freedoms of citizens. One of the functions of law enforcement agencies, including the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine, is a complete, thorough and impartial investigation of criminal offenses is one of the main conditions of the rule of law. Corruption counteraction investigation is one of the obstacles to the integration of Ukraine into the European space.At the same time, the criminal legislation of Ukraine contains multiple definitions of improper advantage, considering which we propose to unify these concepts by amending the Article 160 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Thus, there is an opportunity to unify these determining undue advantage for all Criminal Code of Ukraine (without taking account of the drawbacks of the legislative technique). However, in order to deal with this issue further, the Parliament of Ukraine should adopt a law that will eliminate differences in the existing definitions of improper advantage in the Criminal Code of Ukraine and carry out unification of this notion for all anti-corruption legislation. Presenting main material. The problem of counteraction to investigation recently gained special relevance and urgency. This is primarily due to the scale of organized crime, corrupt employees of power structures and law enforcement. Earlier the opposition investigation considered mainly as various forms and methods of concealment of crimes. Today, opposition to the investigation can be defined as a deliberate work to obstruct the truth in a criminal case. Dangerous forms of counteraction to investigation is corrupt. This corruption undermines the principles on which are based investigation of criminal offenses, such as rule of law, legality, secret communication, the presumption of innocence and providing proof of guilt. In this case, corruption is manifested in various forms: bribery of law enforcement officers; officials in the investigation of abuse and so on. It should be noted that the level and extent of corruption in the country, the effectiveness of combating corruption process largely depends on the integrity of law enforcement bodies, legality of their decisions and the process of disclosure, investigate and prevent criminal offenses in particular. Corruption involves the systematic bribery of officials of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities, public and political figures, which entails making decisions that violate the law or the unwritten social rules and their implementation often for criminal organizations, leading to a dependence on these structures. Criminals often use corrupt law enforcement officials to deal with the investigation. This can be used such techniques as: - The disclosure of information to interested parties pre-trial investigation; - Elimination of investigation "difficile" employees; - Giving direct instructions to the investigator about the need to close criminal proceedings (usually orally, combined with threats of service in the event of trouble and official promises of growth in the case of approval); - Unjustified reclamation of the criminal proceedings to test connected to the subsequent provision of written guidance on a number of investigative (detective) and other actions, the implementation of which is firstly unnecessary and, second, or technically impossible or significantly obstructed, leading, at least, to delaying the preliminary investigation. Conclusions. Corruption impact on the quality of investigation of crimes in the law enforcement agencies of concern society as defeat this phenomenon mostly affects the observance of the rule of law in the country. Today, there are quite a number of controversial, different in scope and content definitions combating corruption investigation. However, despite some of the differences (in determining the form of the act, subjective attitude of people to their actions, their compliance with the law, commit time, the circle of counter) they coincide in main aim counter - creating obstacles to the achievement of the main goal of the investigation - the establishment truth.
Статья посвящена освещению проблем коррупционного влияния как формы противодействия расследованию уголовных преступлений, связанных с нарушением правил дорожного движения и эксплуатации транспортных средств. Автором приведены способы и приемы совершения данного противодействия.
Publisher Національний Авиаційний Університет

Date 2016-12-19

Format application/pdf
Identifier http://jrnl.nau.edu.ua/index.php/UV/article/view/11154
Source Наукові праці Національного авіаційного університету. Серія: Юридичний вісник «Повітряне і космічне право»; Том 4, № 41 (2016); 190-194
Scientific works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law"; Том 4, № 41 (2016); 190-194
Научные труды Национального авиационного университета. Серия: Юридический вестник "Воздушное и космическое право»; Том 4, № 41 (2016); 190-194
Language uk