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Неологізми футбольного дискурсу як об’єкт лексикографічного опису

Цифровий архів НаУОА

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Relation http://eprints.oa.edu.ua/5532/
Title Неологізми футбольного дискурсу як об’єкт лексикографічного опису
Creator Максимчук, В. В. (V. Maksymchuk)
Subject Linguistics. Philology
Description У статті проаналізовано лексикографічну репрезентацію інновацій футбольного дискурсу в сучасних неологічних словниках. Схарактеризовано джерельну базу подальших досліджень у галузі футбольної неології.
(The article is devoted to the lexicographic representation of football discourse innovations in the modern dictionaries of neologisms. The sources of the following investigations in football neology have been characterized.
The dynamic processes of language inherent structure affirm it constant development manifesting in the
coinage of different parts of speech and lexical and semantic group and it lexicographic representation. The
dictionaries of neologisms facilitate mastering of language, demonstrate the inherent form of neologisms,
and help to comprehend the semantics of neologisms. During the ending XX to the beginning of XXI centuries
the football was became the popular kind of sport, because different international sport competitions
took place. Because of this Ukrainian football lexicon was changed and it was the reason of composing of
new dictionaries of football terms.
The football discourse is the oral or writing text that has through football content. The base of football
discourse is the publicistic discourse most completely representing the conceptual, lexical and semantic,
genre and style specificity of football communication.
The football innovations fixed in the modern dictionaries of neologisms assure the development of football
discourse lexical structure. The dictionary «Lexical and word-formative innovations» by A. Neliuba
(2014) fixes 42 football neologisms, the dictionaries «Word-formation of independent Ukraine» (2012) and
«Lexical and word-formative innovations» (2007) fix 24 and 14 innovations accordingly. In spite of the
Ukrainian neography of XXI century was supplemented by modern dictionary of neologisms the compiling
of alphabet, explanatory, word-formative, associative and translatable dictionaries of football innovations
having prospects. It will help to estimate the dynamics of Ukrainian football lexicon basing on the usual
Publisher Видавництво Національного університету «Острозька академія»
Date 2015
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Language uk
Identifier http://eprints.oa.edu.ua/5532/1/20.pdf
Максимчук, В. В. (V. Maksymchuk) (2015) Неологізми футбольного дискурсу як об’єкт лексикографічного опису. Наукові записки Національного університету «Острозька академія». Серія «Філологічна» (Вип.57). pp. 85-89.