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Принцип управления энергобезопасностью при организации работ в электроустановках сверхвысокого напряжения
Principle of Power Safety Management When Organizing the Works in Electrical Installations of Extrahigh Voltage
Creator КУТІН, В. М.
Subject управление энергобезопасностью
электрическая энергия
высокое напряжение
электрическое поле
напряжение прикосновения
предельно допустимое значения напряжений
предельно допустимые значения токов
electric safety management
electric energy
high voltage
electric field
maximum permissible levels of pic-up voltages
electric energy safety
electrical installation
maximum permissible levels of pic-up of currents
управління енергобезпекою
електрична енергія
висока напруга
електричне поле
напруга дотику
гранично допустимі значення струмів
гранично допустимі значення напруги дотику
Description The problem of control energy safety system introduction at the enterprises of power industry is considered in the article. It is noticed that the international standard OHSAS 18001:2007 as ISO 9000 control quality system, based on a Deming cycle, which actually duplicates management cycle and consists of four stages: planning, realization, control and risk estimation. The analysis of references has shown that today there is no unique methodology which would determine principles of energy safety management and risk in electrical installations of extrahigh voltage. There is no system approach to risk analysis which would most completely display real origins and development of electrical injury for staff working with electrical installations. For an electro injury risk reduction at the enterprises of power industry, authors offered a control system of energy safety and principles of its functioning during repair work in electrical installations of extrahigh voltage; it is done on the basis of structural model of electrical safety system. The control system at the enterprises of power industry (the CS on PI) should represent a set of object interactions which is being managed (system of electric energy protection), and а command unit (a managing staff of the organization which makes managing decisions on the basis of standard regulations on electrical safety and the external information) for the achievement of definite purposes. After the determination of the CS on PI goals, it is necessary to choose the approach for its realization. The modern scientifically reasonable strategy on the basis of the system analysis is offered. The offered concept of electrical safety is the given strategy. According to it, for a person to safely interact with electrical installations in the certain environment, influence of electric energy on a person should not exceed limiting values. Maximum permissible values of electric energy which is absorbed by a human body should be established for definite person parameters, voltage, current which flows through a human body, frequency, and exposure time. Value for energy which is absorbed by a human body of average parameters working with electrical installations of extrahigh voltage of industrial frequency should not exceed 0,36 J. Taking into account this condition, the decision according to risk of energy safety should be made and managing staff should make decisions on tactical and operational management realization. On the basis of the adopted concept of management, for minimization of electrical injury risk and to control decision carrying out, the mathematical model of electrical injury risk estimation is offered. At a following stage of CS on PI creation, introduction of the developed measure and means, at the moment, concerning electric energy safety for workers should be performed. At this stage it is necessary to consider all organizational problems on electrical safety control system introduction, and also it is necessary to estimate: expenses on CS introduction on PI; the financial and human resources necessary for CS on PI realization; level of regulations adoption of the CS on PI, their support by managing staff, by competent authorities, workers of departments, labour unions; possible errors. There is always a closed information contour in a control system as interaction of both parts against each other occurs in the form of information transfer. For the CS on PI such cycle of management which contains the list of the consistently and logically connected functions of management is: identification and risk estimation, planning and accomplishment of planned measures and means concerning electric energy safety, an estimation and risk analysis after the protection measures, decision-making and enhancement of control system concerning electric energy safety. The given cycle should be performed at all hierarchical levels of a control system on the enterprises of power industry. As an example of the CS on PI realization in an on-line mode is the use of the device for the electric energy control which is absorbed by a human body which is under the action of electric energy on electrical installations of extrahigh voltage.
З метою зменшення ризику виробничого травматизму та професійного захворювання в діючих електроустановках надвисокої напруги запропоновано принцип управління енергобезпекою. Принцип, що пропонується, є циклом управління, який містить перелік послідовно пов'язаних виконуваних логічних функцій управління: ідентифікація та оцінка ризику ураження електричною енергією, планування та виконання планових заходів з енергобезпеки, оцінка та аналіз ризику після вжитих заходів та засобів, ухвалення рішення і вдосконалення системи управління енергобезпекою.
Date 2013-10-13T17:55:51Z
Type Article
Identifier Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія "Електротехніка і енергетика". № 1 (14), 2013 р., 358 с.
УДК 621.3:614.8
Publisher ДонНТУ