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Coopération pédagogique et scientifique entre les universités françaises de Cergy-Pontoise et de Versailles et de i'universutet nationale technique de Donetsk

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Title Coopération pédagogique et scientifique entre les universités françaises de Cergy-Pontoise et de Versailles et de i'universutet nationale technique de Donetsk
Науково-педагогічне співробітництво між французькими університетами Сержи-Понтуаз та Версалю з Донецьким національним техничним університетом.
Scientific And Pedagogical Cooperation Between French Universities Of Sergy-Pontoise And Versailles and Donetsk National Technical University.
Creator Borysenko, V.
Борисенко, В.П.
Henaff, P.
Енафф, П.
Alayli, Y.
Алайлиі, Я.
Monacelli, E.
Монаселлі, Е.
Khomenko, V.
Хоменко, В.М.
Melnyk, A.
Мельник, А.А.
Grebchenko, M.
Гребченко, М.В.
Levshov, O.
Левшов, О.В.
Tolochko, O.
Толочко, О.І.
Subject coop Јration internationale scіeпtifique et d'enseignement
наукове та освітнє міжнародне співробітництво
international scientific and educational cooperation
Uпiversitë Nationale Technique de Donetsk
Донецький національний технічний університет
Donetsk National Technical University
Uпiversitë de Cergy Poпtoise
Університет Сержі-Понтуаз
Cergy- Pontoise University
Uпiversitë de Versailles de Versailles SL Quentin-en-Yvelines
Університет Версаля
University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
masters en partenariatfranco-ukrainien
магістри у франко-украінськму партнерстві
masters Franco-Ukrainian partnership
programme de recherche Dnipro
дослідницька програма Дніпро
research program Dnipro
commande hybride
гібридне управління
hybrid control
commande adaptative
адаптивне управління
adaptive control
fauteuil roulant
інвалідна коляска
robot mobile
мобільний робот
mobile robot
retour tactile
тактильний зворотний звязок
tactile feedback
robot ëlectromëcaпique
електромеханічний робот
electromechanical robot
bras robotisë
robotic arm
dëtectioп optique des objets en mouvement
оптичне детектування рухомих об 'єктів
optical detection of moving objects
Description Nowadays, the cooperation agreements between Donetsk National Technical
University (DNTU) and the University of Versailles (UVSQ, LISV Laboratory), the UNTD and the University of
Cergy-Pontoise (UCP, ETIS Laboratory) are already signed. The collaboration consists of a set of related projects. The
proposed Masters in Franco-Ukraiman partnership ("MASTER") was initiated in 2010 by the French Ministries of
Higher Education and Research and Foreign and European Affairs on one side and the Ukrainian Ministry of Education,
and Science on the other side to strengthen partnerships between French and Ukrainian higher education institutions is
an important contribution to the construction of the European area of Higher education Area and the integration of
Ukraine in this space. The "MASTER" program has been started in 2011/2012 with six students. On-line courses for
students were organized in two semesters by French professors and took place in France and the Ukraine in the same
time. We fimshed the work and presented a final report on the research program Dmpro (l\/I/428-2011 and W177-
2012). The "Dmpro" is the Hubert Curie Partnership Franco-Ukraiman project. It was implemented in Ukraine by the
State Agency for Science, Innovation and Informatisation of Ukraine and France by the Mimstries of Foreign Affairs
and higher Education and Research for facilitate the mobility of researchers. This rich experience of the Franco-
Ukraiman cooperation will be used in the preparation of our Ukraiman master students, as well as for the development
and improvement of the program of the French-Ukraiman cooperation in the framework of the program "MASTER".
La coopëratіon internationale entre l'Unіversіtë Nationale Technique de Donetsk, Ukraine, presenteë par son dëparteтent Ëlectrotechnique et les deux universitës Fran~aises de Cergy-Pontoise et de Versalles St. Quentin-en¬Yvelines est considërëe. Cette coopëration scientіfique et d'enseignement est orientëe, principalement, vers l'amëlioration de la qualitë de prëparation des spëcialistes et l'augmantation de leurs valeurs sur le тarchë de travil de la rëgion de Donetsk, hautement industrialisëe.
Date 2013-10-21T11:22:25Z
Type Article
Identifier Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія "Електротехніка і енергетика". № 2 (15), 2013 р., 338 с.
Relation Электротехника и энергетика;
Publisher ДонНТУ